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Created May 31, 2011 08:22
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Save samt/1000161 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Markdown Parser
* Version 0.1.0
* By Sam Thompson <>
* This code has hereby been released into the public domain
* There's absolutely no warranty.
* This class works as a parser for Markdown, placing the data in an array to
* be output to be futher manipulated as needed.
class MarkdownParser
* @var raw
public $raw = '';
* @var parsed array
public $parsedText = array();
* @var linklist
public $linkList = array();
* Constructor
public function __construct($raw)
$this->raw = (string) $raw;
// Location flags
const IN_PARAGRAPH = 1;
const IN_LIST = 2;
const IN_PREFORMAT = 4;
const IN_BLOCKQUOTE = 8;
// Types
const TYPE_H1 = 'h1';
const TYPE_H2 = 'h2';
const TYPE_H3 = 'h3';
const TYPE_H4 = 'h4';
const TYPE_H5 = 'h5';
const TYPE_H6 = 'h6';
const TYPE_UL = 'ul';
const TYPE_OL = 'ol';
const TYPE_P = 'p';
const TYPE_BQ = 'blockquote';
const TYPE_PRE = 'pre';
const TYPE_CODE = 'code';
* Parse
* @return void
public function parse()
// Get rid of some annoyances then create an array
$raw = str_replace(array("\r", "\t"), array("", " "), $this->raw);
$lines = explode("\n", $raw);
$buffer = '';
$flag = 0;
$items = array();
foreach($lines as $k => $line)
$prevLine = ($k - 1 < 0) ? null : $lines[$k - 1];
// Code/preformated is always first
if ($flag == self::IN_PREFORMAT || substr($line, 0, 3) == '```')
if (substr($line, 0, 3) == '```' && $flag != self::IN_PREFORMAT)
// Open the pre
$flag = self::IN_PREFORMAT;
$lang = substr(trim($line), 3);
$buffer = ($lang == false) ? self::TYPE_PRE : self::TYPE_CODE;
else if(substr($line, 0, 3) == '```')
// Close the pre
$this->parsedText[] = array('type' => $buffer, 'lang' => $lang, 'text' => implode("\n", $items));
$flag = 0;
// append to pre
$items[] = $line;
// Two line header
if ($k > 0 && strlen($line) == strlen($prevLine) && $this->isHeader($line))
$type = ($line[0] == '=') ? $this->getHeading(1) : $this->getHeading(2);
$this->parsedText[] = array('type' => $type, 'text' => $lines[$k-1]);
// Is it an in-line header?
if ($line[0] == '#')
for ($i = 0; $i < 6 && $line[$i] == '#'; $i++);
$type = ($i > 6 || $i < 1) ? 1 : $i;
$line = trim(str_replace(str_repeat('#', $i), '', $line));
$this->parsedText[] = array('type' => $this->getHeading($type), 'text' => $line);
// Lists (nasty regexp)
if (preg_match("#^[\s]*[\(]*([0-9]+|\*|\-)[\)\.]*[\s]*([a-z0-9\[\]\(\)\,\.]{1}[a-z0-9\[\]\(\)\,\.\s]*)$#i", $line, $matches))
$flag = self::IN_LIST;
$buffer = (is_numeric($matches[1])) ? self::TYPE_OL : self::TYPE_UL;
$items[] = $matches[2];
// Blockquote
if ($line[0] == '>')
$flag = self::IN_BLOCKQUOTE;
$buffer .= trim(substr($line, 1)) . ' ';
// Linklists
if (preg_match("#^\[([0-9]+)\]: (.*)$#", $line, $matches) == 1)
$this->linkList[(int) $matches[1]] = trim($matches[2]);
// Normal paragraph
if (preg_match("#[a-z0-9_\-\.\,\s]+#i", $line) != 0 && ($prevLine === '' || $flag == self::IN_PARAGRAPH))
$flag = self::IN_PARAGRAPH;
$buffer .= trim($line) . ' ';
// This is a catch all, MUST BE LAST
if (trim($line) === '')
switch ($flag)
case self::IN_PARAGRAPH:
$this->parsedText[] = array('type' => self::TYPE_P, 'text' => $buffer);
case self::IN_BLOCKQUOTE:
$this->parsedText[] = array('type' => self::TYPE_BQ, 'text' => $buffer);
case self::IN_LIST:
$this->parsedText[] = array('type' => $buffer, 'items' => $items);
$flag = 0;
$buffer = $lang = '';
$items = array();
* Checks to see if we had a header line this round
private function isHeader($ln)
if($ln == str_repeat('=', strlen($ln)))
return true;
else if($ln == str_repeat('-', strlen($ln)))
return true;
return false;
public function getHeading($level)
case 1: return self::TYPE_H1; break;
case 2: return self::TYPE_H2; break;
case 3: return self::TYPE_H3; break;
case 4: return self::TYPE_H4; break;
case 5: return self::TYPE_H5; break;
case 6: return self::TYPE_H6; break;

Heading 1

This is a test of stuff and other junk.

Block Quote for such a thing that would be a nice quote More of the blockquote

Google Is a website, and this is an inline style

Heading 2

  • This is a list
  • With items
  • Item again
  • yay items


Below is a basic code example.

echo "Hello World!";

You can see more crap in the OpenFlame Documentation

include 'MarkdownParser.php';
$text = new MarkdownParser(file_get_contents(''));
echo "<pre>";
echo $text->raw;
echo "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
echo "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
echo "</pre>";
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samt commented May 31, 2011

Just a note, this does not touch inline elements yet, working on the proper way to do that.

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