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Created September 16, 2018 20:43
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var x;
var num;
// Sets the screen to be 2080 pixels wide and 720 pixels high
function setup() {
createCanvas(2080, 720);
function draw() {
background(180); // this will clear the screen every time we redraw
var now = clock() // store the current moment in a local variable
// Draw black bar hours
x = 30;
num = 24;
for(var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// the if/else construct allows us to draw the rectangle at different positions based on whether
// the 'current' rectangle is before or after the clock value for the 24-hour time
if (i > now.hours){
rect(x, 40, 31, 150);
rect(x, 70, 31, 150);
x += 84;
// Draw gray bar minutes
x = 30;
num = 60;
for(var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// we can omit the 'else' too by assigning a default value to the variable 'y' and then modifying
// it only if we're drawing a bar that came earlier in the hour than the current minute
var y = 270
if (i < now.min){
y += 30
rect(x, y, 21, 120);
x += 33;
// Draw off-white bar seconds
x = 30;
num = 60;
for(var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// the 'ternary operator' assigns one of two values based on whether the first term is true or false
// in other words it combines an assignment and an if/else into a signle line
var y = (i < now.sec) ? 480 : 450
rect(x, y, 11, 90);
x += 33;
// Draw white bar milliseconds
x = 30;
num = 1000;
for(var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// in this case the if/else is setting the color rather than position, but the principle is the same
if (i <{
rect(x, 600, 1, 60);
x += 2;
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