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Created June 19, 2019 18:16
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Adapted jaydenseric/graphql-upload to work on a Lambda event. Based on
const Busboy = require('busboy');
const { WriteStream } = require('fs-capacitor');
const objectPath = require('object-path');
const SPEC_URL = '';
const isObject = value => value && value.constructor === Object;
const isString = value => typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String;
const ignoreStream = (stream) => {
stream.on('error', () => {});
class Upload {
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = (file) => {
this.file = file;
this.reject = reject;
this.promise.catch(() => {});
module.exports.processRequest = (
{ maxFieldSize = 1000000, maxFileSize = Infinity, maxFiles = Infinity } = {},
) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const released = false;
let exitError;
let currentStream;
let operations;
let operationsPath;
let map;
const parser = new Busboy({
headers: {
'content-type': event.headers['Content-Type'],
limits: {
fieldSize: maxFieldSize,
fields: 2,
fileSize: maxFileSize,
files: maxFiles,
const exit = (error) => {
if (exitError) return;
exitError = error;
reject(new Error(exitError));
if (currentStream) currentStream.destroy(new Error(exitError));
if (map) {
for (const upload of map.values()) { if (!upload.file) upload.reject(new Error(exitError)); }
parser.on('file', (fieldName, stream, fileName, encoding, mimeType) => {
if (exitError) {
return null;
if (!map) {
return exit(`Misordered multipart fields; files should follow ‘map’ (${SPEC_URL}).`);
currentStream = stream;
stream.on('end', () => {
if (currentStream === stream) currentStream = null;
const upload = map.get(fieldName);
if (!upload) {
return null;
const capacitor = new WriteStream();
capacitor.on('error', () => {
stream.on('limit', () => {
if (currentStream === stream) currentStream = null;
new Error('File truncated as it exceeds the size limit.'),
stream.on('error', (error) => {
if (currentStream === stream) currentStream = null;
capacitor.destroy(exitError || error);
const file = {
createReadStream() {
const error = capacitor.error || (released ? exitError : null);
if (error) throw error;
return capacitor.createReadStream();
parser.on('field', (fieldName, value) => {
switch (fieldName) {
case 'operations':
try {
operations = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (error) {
return exit(`Invalid JSON in the ‘operations’ multipart field (${SPEC_URL}).`);
if (!isObject(operations) && !Array.isArray(operations)) {
return exit(`Invalid type for the ‘operations’ multipart field (${SPEC_URL}).`);
operationsPath = objectPath(operations);
case 'map': {
if (!operations) {
return exit(`Misordered multipart fields; ‘map’ should follow ‘operations’ (${SPEC_URL}).`);
let parsedMap;
try {
parsedMap = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (error) {
return exit(`Invalid JSON in the ‘map’ multipart field (${SPEC_URL}).`);
if (!isObject(parsedMap)) {
return exit(`Invalid type for the ‘map’ multipart field (${SPEC_URL}).`);
const mapEntries = Object.entries(parsedMap);
if (mapEntries.length > maxFiles) {
return exit(`${maxFiles} max file uploads exceeded.`);
map = new Map();
for (const [fieldName, paths] of mapEntries) {
if (!Array.isArray(paths)) {
return exit(`Invalid type for the ‘map’ multipart field entry key ‘${fieldName}’ array (${SPEC_URL}).`);
map.set(fieldName, new Upload());
for (const [index, path] of paths.entries()) {
if (!isString(path)) {
return exit(`Invalid type for the ‘map’ multipart field entry key ‘${fieldName}’ array index ‘${index}’ value (${SPEC_URL}).`);
operationsPath.set(path, map.get(fieldName).promise);
return null;
parser.once('filesLimit', () => exit(`${maxFiles} max file uploads exceeded.`));
parser.once('finish', () => {
if (!operations) {
return exit(`Missing multipart field ‘operations’ (${SPEC_URL}).`);
if (!map) {
return exit(`Missing multipart field ‘map’ (${SPEC_URL}).`);
for (const upload of map.values()) {
if (!upload.file) { upload.reject(new Error('File missing in the request.')); }
parser.once('error', exit);
parser.write(event.body, event.isBase64Encoded ? 'base64' : 'binary');
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eurobob commented May 16, 2020

How do I use this? Could you give an example of where to call it?

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koresar commented Jun 4, 2020

Looks like this article explains how to setup the Lambda so that it brings event.body in various formats.

This line explains it all to me:

parser.write(event.body, event.isBase64Encoded ? 'base64' : 'binary');

I've published this module today
It's a fork of graphq-upload. The main difference - it doesn't create temporary files on disk.
What I would recommend - adding one more export function - graphqlUploadAlmbda.js which would then pass all the necessary variables down to the processRequest().

I can help arranging a PR.

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