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Last active May 19, 2017 02:58
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zen files
* @file
* Returns the HTML for a single Drupal page.
* Complete documentation for this file is available online.
* @see
<div class="layout-center">
<header class="header" role="banner">
<?php if ($logo): ?>
<a href="<?php print $front_page; ?>" title="<?php print t('Home'); ?>" rel="home" class="header__logo"><img src="<?php print $logo; ?>" alt="<?php print t('Home'); ?>" class="header__logo-image" /></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($site_name || $site_slogan): ?>
<div class="header__name-and-slogan">
<?php if ($site_name): ?>
<h1 class="header__site-name">
<a href="<?php print $front_page; ?>" title="<?php print t('Home'); ?>" class="header__site-link" rel="home"><span><?php print $site_name; ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($site_slogan): ?>
<div class="header__site-slogan"><?php print $site_slogan; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($secondary_menu): ?>
<nav class="header__secondary-menu" role="navigation">
<?php print theme('links__system_secondary_menu', array(
'links' => $secondary_menu,
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array('links', 'inline', 'clearfix'),
'heading' => array(
'text' => $secondary_menu_heading,
'level' => 'h2',
'class' => array('visually-hidden'),
)); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print render($page['header']); ?>
<div class="layout-3col__full">
<?php print render($page['featured']); ?>
<div class="layout-3col layout-swap">
// Render the sidebars to see if there's anything in them.
$sidebar_first = render($page['sidebar_first']);
$sidebar_second = render($page['sidebar_second']);
// Decide on layout classes by checking if sidebars have content.
$content_class = 'layout-3col__full';
$sidebar_first_class = $sidebar_second_class = '';
if ($sidebar_first && $sidebar_second):
$content_class = 'layout-3col__right-content';
$sidebar_first_class = 'layout-3col__first-left-sidebar';
$sidebar_second_class = 'layout-3col__second-left-sidebar';
elseif ($sidebar_second):
$content_class = 'layout-3col__left-content';
$sidebar_second_class = 'layout-3col__right-sidebar';
elseif ($sidebar_first):
$content_class = 'layout-3col__right-content';
$sidebar_first_class = 'layout-3col__left-sidebar';
<main class="<?php print $content_class; ?>" role="main">
<?php print render($page['highlighted']); ?>
<?php print $breadcrumb; ?>
<a href="#skip-link" class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--focusable" id="main-content">Back to top</a>
<?php print render($title_prefix); ?>
<?php if ($title): ?>
<h1><?php print $title; ?></h1>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print render($title_suffix); ?>
<?php print $messages; ?>
<?php print render($tabs); ?>
<?php print render($page['help']); ?>
<?php if ($action_links): ?>
<ul class="action-links"><?php print render($action_links); ?></ul>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print render($page['content']); ?>
<?php print $feed_icons; ?>
<div class="layout-swap__top layout-3col__full">
<a href="#skip-link" class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--focusable" id="main-menu" tabindex="-1">Back to top</a>
<?php if ($main_menu): ?>
<nav class="main-menu" role="navigation">
// This code snippet is hard to modify. We recommend turning off the
// "Main menu" on your sub-theme's settings form, deleting this PHP
// code block, and, instead, using the "Menu block" module.
// @see
print theme('links__system_main_menu', array(
'links' => $main_menu,
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array('navbar', 'clearfix'),
'heading' => array(
'text' => t('Main menu'),
'level' => 'h2',
'class' => array('visually-hidden'),
)); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print render($page['navigation']); ?>
<?php if ($sidebar_first): ?>
<aside class="<?php print $sidebar_first_class; ?>" role="complementary">
<?php print $sidebar_first; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($sidebar_second): ?>
<aside class="<?php print $sidebar_second_class; ?>" role="complementary">
<?php print $sidebar_second; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="tn_footer">
<?php if ($footer_sub_left); ?>
<div><?php print $footer_sub_left; ?></div>
<php endif; ?>
<?php print render($page['footer']); ?>
<?php if ($footer_sub_right); ?>
<div><?php print $footer_sub_right; ?></div>
<php endif; ?>
<?php print render($page['bottom']); ?>
* @file
* Returns HTML for a region.
* Complete documentation for this file is available online.
* @see
<?php if ($content): ?>
<div class="<?php print $classes; ?>">
<?php print $content; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue {
float: left;
margin-bottom: 1em;
padding: 0;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-navbar {
width: 100%;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue ul {
padding-left: 0;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue span.nolink {
border: none;
color: #476ccb;
padding: 0.75em 1em;
text-decoration: none;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue a.sf-with-ul, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue span.nolink.sf-with-ul {
padding-right: 2.25em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl a.sf-with-ul, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl span.nolink.sf-with-ul {
padding-left: 2.25em;
padding-right: 1em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-navbar a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-navbar span.nolink {
border: 0 none;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue span.sf-description {
color: #ffffff;
display: block;
font-size: 0.833em;
line-height: 1.5;
margin: 5px 0 0 5px;
padding: 0;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl span.sf-description {
margin: 5px 5px 0 0;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue li, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-navbar {
background: transparent;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue li li {
background: #119fc2;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue li li li {
background: #119fc2;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue li:hover, .sf-menu.sf-style-sr-blue, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue li.sfHover, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue a:focus, .sf-menu.sf-style-sr-blue a:focus, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue a:hover, sf-menu.sf-style-sr-blue a:hover, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue a:active, sf-menu.sf-style-sr-blue a:active, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue span.nolink:hover, .sf-menu.sf-style-sr-blue span.nolink:hover, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-navbar li li, .sf-menu.sf-style-sr-blue.sf-navbar li li {
background: #3270c5 none repeat scroll 0 0;
color: #fff;
border-top-left-radius: 5px;
border-top-right-radius: 5px;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-navbar li ul {
background-color: #3270c5;
border-radius: 5px;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-navbar li ul li ul {
background-color: transparent;
div.sf-accordion-toggle.sf-style-blue a {
background: #095cb1 none repeat scroll 0 0;
border: none;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 1em;
border-top-left-radius: 5px;
border-top-right-radius: 5px;
div.sf-accordion-toggle.sf-style-blue a.sf-expanded, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li.sf-expanded {
background-color: #3270c5;
div.sf-accordion-toggle.sf-style-blue a.sf-expanded, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li.sf-expanded > a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li.sf-expanded > span.nolink {
font-weight: bold;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li a.sf-accordion-button {
font-weight: bold;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 499;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li span.nolink {
padding-left: 2em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li li span.nolink {
padding-left: 3em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li li li span.nolink {
padding-left: 4em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.sf-accordion li li li li span.nolink {
padding-left: 5em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li span.nolink {
padding-right: 2em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li li span.nolink {
padding-right: 3em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li li li span.nolink {
padding-right: 4em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li li li li a, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl.sf-accordion li li li li li span.nolink {
padding-right: 5em;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue ul.sf-megamenu li.sf-megamenu-wrapper ol, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue ul.sf-megamenu li.sf-megamenu-wrapper ol li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue ul.sf-megamenu li.sf-megamenu-wrapper a.menuparent, .sf-menu.sf-style-blue ul.sf-megamenu li.sf-megamenu-wrapper span.nolink.menuparent {
font-weight: bold;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue ul.sf-megamenu li.sf-megamenu-wrapper ol li.sf-megamenu-column {
display: inline;
float: left;
.sf-menu.sf-style-blue.rtl ul.sf-megamenu li.sf-megamenu-wrapper ol li.sf-megamenu-column {
float: right;
.sf-menu-side-nav {
.sf-menu.sf-menu-side-nav.sf-vertical.sf-style-sr-blue {
/*line-height: 1.2;
padding-bottom: 11px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
color: #476ccb;
padding-left: 10px;
background-position: bottom right;
background-image: url(/sites/default/files/images/sn-nor-bottom.png);
min-height: 18px;
padding-right: 15px;*/
background-repeat: no-repeat;
text-decoration: none;
background-position: top right;
border-top-left-radius: 5px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
background-image: url(/sites/default/files/images/sn-nor-top2.png);
min-height: 40px;
/*.sf-menu.sf-style-sr-blue li {
background: transparent;
/*.sf-menu a {
text-decoration: none;
* @file
* Contains the theme's functions to manipulate Drupal's default markup.
* Complete documentation for this file is available online.
* @see
* Override or insert variables into the maintenance page template.
* @param array $variables
* Variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("maintenance_page" in this case.)
/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
function tn_senior0_preprocess_maintenance_page(&$variables, $hook) {
// When a variable is manipulated or added in preprocess_html or
// preprocess_page, that same work is probably needed for the maintenance page
// as well, so we can just re-use those functions to do that work here.
tn_senior0_preprocess_html($variables, $hook);
tn_senior0_preprocess_page($variables, $hook);
// */
* Override or insert variables into the html templates.
* @param array $variables
* Variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("html" in this case.)
/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
function tn_senior0_preprocess_html(&$variables, $hook) {
$variables['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.');
// The body tag's classes are controlled by the $classes_array variable. To
// remove a class from $classes_array, use array_diff().
$variables['classes_array'] = array_diff($variables['classes_array'],
// */
* Override or insert variables into the page templates.
* @param array $variables
* Variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("page" in this case.)
/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
function tn_senior0_preprocess_page(&$variables, $hook) {
$variables['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.');
// */
* Override or insert variables into the region templates.
* @param array $variables
* Variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("region" in this case.)
/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
function tn_senior0_preprocess_region(&$variables, $hook) {
// Don't use Zen's region--no-wrapper.tpl.php template for sidebars.
if (strpos($variables['region'], 'sidebar_') === 0) {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array_diff(
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'], array('region__no_wrapper')
// */
* Override or insert variables into the block templates.
* @param array $variables
* Variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("block" in this case.)
/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
function tn_senior0_preprocess_block(&$variables, $hook) {
// Add a count to all the blocks in the region.
// $variables['classes_array'][] = 'count-' . $variables['block_id'];
// By default, Zen will use the block--no-wrapper.tpl.php for the main
// content. This optional bit of code undoes that:
if ($variables['block_html_id'] == 'block-system-main') {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array_diff(
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'], array('block__no_wrapper')
// */
* Override or insert variables into the node templates.
* @param array $variables
* Variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("node" in this case.)
/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
function tn_senior0_preprocess_node(&$variables, $hook) {
$variables['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.');
// Optionally, run node-type-specific preprocess functions, like
// tn_senior0_preprocess_node_page() or tn_senior0_preprocess_node_story().
$function = __FUNCTION__ . '_' . $variables['node']->type;
if (function_exists($function)) {
$function($variables, $hook);
// */
* Override or insert variables into the comment templates.
* @param array $variables
* Variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("comment" in this case.)
/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
function tn_senior0_preprocess_comment(&$variables, $hook) {
$variables['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.');
// */
; Drupal's .info files allow themers to easily specify some of the static
; properties of your theme. Properties such as its name, stylesheets,
; javascripts, and block regions.
; Drupal 7 stores a cache of the data in this .info files. If you modify any
; lines in this file, you MUST refresh Drupal 7's cache by simply visiting the
; Appearance page at admin/appearance.
; The name, description and screenshot used for this theme on the Appearance
; page at admin/appearance.
screenshot = screenshot.png
name = tnsr_0
description = Read the <a href="">online docs</a> or the included README.txt on how to create a theme with Zen.
; This theme is compatible with Drupal 7 core. And it is a sub-theme of Zen.
core = 7.x
base theme = zen
; This section controls the CSS files for your theme. There are 3 different
; things you can do with a "stylesheets" line:
; - Add a new stylesheet for your theme.
; - Override a module's stylesheet. If the stylesheet you are adding uses the
; same filename as a stylesheet from a Drupal core or contrib module, your CSS
; file will be used instead of the module's file.
; - Remove a module's stylesheet. If you specify the name of a Drupal core or
; contrib module's stylesheets, Drupal will remove that stylesheet if you do
; NOT include a file with that name with your theme.
; stylesheets[MEDIA][] = FILE
; The "FILE" is the name of the stylesheet to add/override/remove.
; The "MEDIA" in the first set of brackets is a media type or a media query.
; Typical CSS media types include "all", "screen", "print", and "handheld". A
; typical media query is "screen and (max-width: 320px)".
; CSS2.1 media types:
; CSS3 media queries:
; First we remove any Drupal styling that Zen provides as components.
stylesheets[all][] = system.base.css
stylesheets[all][] = system.menus.css
stylesheets[all][] = system.messages.css
stylesheets[all][] = system.theme.css
stylesheets[all][] = comment.css
stylesheets[all][] = node.css
; Then we add our own stylesheet.
stylesheets[all][] = css/styles.css
; If you wish to use conditional stylesheets, you should install the
; conditional stylesheets module:
;stylesheets-conditional[lte IE 8][all][] = css/ie8.css
;stylesheets-conditional[(gte IE 9)|(gt IEMobile 7)|(!IE)][] = css/styles.css
; Optionally add some JavaScripts to your theme.
;scripts[] = js/script.js
; This section lists the regions defined in Zen's default page.tpl.php and
; maintenance-page.tpl.php files. The name in brackets is the machine name of
; the region. The text after the equals sign is a descriptive text used on the
; admin/structure/blocks page.
; In the page.tpl, the contents of the region are output with a
; $page['MACHINE-NAME'] variable and, in the maintenance-page.tpl, the region is
; output with a $MACHINE-NAME variable. For example, with this line in the .info
; file:
; regions[header_top] = Header top
; You'll use this variable in page.tpl.php:
; <?php print render($page['header_top']); ?>
; And you'll use this variable in maintenance-page.tpl.php:
; <?php print $header_top; ?>
regions[header] = Header
regions[navigation] = Navigation bar
regions[highlighted] = Highlighted
regions[featured] = Featured
regions[help] = Help
regions[sidebar_first] = First sidebar
regions[content] = Content
regions[sidebar_second] = Second sidebar
regions[footer_sub_left]= Footer Sub Left
regions[footer_sub_right]=Footer Sub Right
regions[footer] = Footer
regions[bottom] = Page bottom
; The page_top and page_bottom regions are hidden, which means they will not
; show up on the blocks administration page. But they are required in order for
; the html.tpl.php to work properly, so do not delete them.
regions[page_top] = Page top
regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom
; Various page elements output by the theme can be toggled on and off. The
; "features" control which of these check boxes display on the
; admin/appearance config page. This is useful for suppressing check boxes
; for elements not used by your sub-theme. To suppress a check box, omit the
; entry for it below. See the Drupal 7 Theme Guide for more info:
features[] = logo
features[] = name
features[] = slogan
features[] = node_user_picture
features[] = comment_user_picture
features[] = favicon
features[] = main_menu
features[] = secondary_menu
; Set the default values of settings on the theme-settings.php form.
settings[zen_breadcrumb] = yes
settings[zen_breadcrumb_separator] = ' › '
settings[zen_breadcrumb_home] = 1
settings[zen_breadcrumb_trailing] = 0
settings[zen_breadcrumb_title] = 0
settings[zen_skip_link_anchor] = main-menu
settings[zen_skip_link_text] = Jump to navigation
settings[zen_meta][] = html5
settings[zen_meta][] = meta
settings[zen_rebuild_registry] = 1
; To make this sub-theme an admin theme with shortcut links next to titles,
; uncomment the line below.
;settings[shortcut_module_link] = 1
; To add a Panels layout (which can also be used by Display Suite), uncomment
; the line below and see the documentation at:
;plugins[panels][layouts] = panels-layouts
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