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Created December 25, 2015 00:09
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Advent of Code - day 22 in Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
class Spell():
def __init__(self):
self.timer = self.duration
def copy(self):
a_copy = type(self)()
a_copy.timer = self.timer
return a_copy
def apply_dispel(self, state):
class MagicMissile(Spell):
cost = 53
duration = 0
def apply_effect(state):
state.boss_hit_points -= 4
class Drain(Spell):
cost = 73
duration = 0
def apply_effect(state):
state.boss_hit_points -= 2
state.player_hit_points += 2
class Shield(Spell):
cost = 113
duration = 6
def apply_effect(self, state):
if self.timer == self.duration:
state.player_armor += 7
def apply_dispel(self, state):
state.player_armor -= 7
class Poison(Spell):
cost = 173
duration = 6
def apply_effect(state):
state.boss_hit_points -= 3
class Recharge(Spell):
cost = 229
duration = 5
def apply_effect(state):
state.player_mana += 101
for spell in SPELLS
if spell.duration == 0
class State():
def __init__(self, other_state=None):
if other_state:
self.player_turn = other_state.player_turn
self.player_hit_points = other_state.player_hit_points
self.player_mana = other_state.player_mana
self.player_mana_spent = other_state.player_mana_spent
self.player_armor = other_state.player_armor
self.active_spells = []
self.new_spell = None
self.boss_hit_points = other_state.boss_hit_points
self.boss_damage = other_state.boss_damage
def start_state(boss_hit_points, boss_damage):
state = State()
state.player_turn = False # This is *before* the first turn
state.player_hit_points = 50
state.player_mana = 500
state.player_mana_spent = 0
state.player_armor = 0
state.active_spells = []
state.new_spell = None
state.boss_hit_points = boss_hit_points
state.boss_damage = boss_damage
return state
def get_next_state(prev_state, chosen_spell=None):
new_state = State(prev_state)
new_state.player_turn = not prev_state.player_turn
assert not new_state.player_turn or chosen_spell is not None
assert new_state.player_turn or chosen_spell is None
assert new_state.boss_hit_points > 0 and new_state.player_hit_points > 0
# Rule for part 2: Lose 1 hit-point every turn
if new_state.player_turn:
new_state.player_hit_points -= 1
if new_state.player_hit_points <= 0:
# The new state has malformed fields but we don't care
return new_state
# Apply effects of active spells
for spell in prev_state.active_spells:
if spell.timer == 0:
spell_copy = spell.copy()
assert spell_copy.duration != spell_copy.timer
spell_copy.timer -= 1
if spell_copy.timer != 0 and chosen_spell == type(spell_copy):
return None
# Apply effect of spell cast prev turn
if prev_state.new_spell and prev_state.new_spell not in IMMEDIATE_SPELLS:
prev_spell = prev_state.new_spell()
prev_spell.timer -= 1
if prev_spell.timer != 0:
# Check if anyone has died as a result of the spells
if new_state.boss_hit_points < 0 or new_state.player_hit_points < 0:
return new_state
if new_state.player_turn:
# Cast new spell
spell_cost = chosen_spell.cost
if prev_state.player_mana < spell_cost:
return None
new_state.player_mana -= spell_cost
new_state.player_mana_spent += spell_cost
new_state.new_spell = chosen_spell
if chosen_spell in IMMEDIATE_SPELLS:
# Attack
new_state.new_spell = None
assert new_state.player_armor in (0, 7)
hit_damage = max(new_state.boss_damage - new_state.player_armor, 1)
new_state.player_hit_points -= hit_damage
return new_state
def main():
input_fname = 'day22_input.txt'
with open(input_fname) as f:
input_boss_hit_points = int(f.readline().split(': ')[1])
input_boss_damage = int(f.readline().split(': ')[1])
min_mana = None
start_state = State.start_state(input_boss_hit_points, input_boss_damage)
games_in_progress = [start_state]
while games_in_progress:
next_iteration = []
for state in games_in_progress:
assert state is not None
if state.player_hit_points <= 0 or state.boss_hit_points <= 0:
if state.player_hit_points > 0:
if min_mana is None or state.player_mana_spent < min_mana:
min_mana = state.player_mana_spent
print('Player won with {}. Min: {}'.format(state.player_mana_spent, min_mana))
# Drop games that have exceeded our current minimum
if min_mana is not None and state.player_mana_spent > min_mana:
if state.player_turn:
for spell in SPELLS:
next_state = get_next_state(state, spell)
if next_state:
games_in_progress = next_iteration
print('Min mana:', min_mana)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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