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Created May 1, 2014 11:42
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  • Save salmoni/87b285808ab0b64c808c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save salmoni/87b285808ab0b64c808c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python: Class to parse a CSV file using the parser in another gist. Instantiate this object with a) the path + filename, b) delimiters (multiple accepted) and c) quote characters and it returns a file object that can be iterated over and read normally.
class CSVObject(object):
This class instantiates a file object as an interable. It means that
CSV files can be read more efficiently than reading the entire data
into memory.
def __init__(self, fileName, delims, quotes):
self.fileName = fileName
self.delims = delims
self.quotes = quotes
self.fin = open(fileName, 'r')
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
line =
return self.ParseLine(line)
def ParseLine(self, line):
Parses a line of CSV text into components. This attempts to
be a proper parser that can cope with multiple delimiters.
inQuote = False # flag for being 'within' quotes
token = '' # current token
tokens = [] # list of tokens
for char in line:
if inQuote: # so if we're in the middle of a quote...
if char == inQuoteChar: # ...and have a matching quote character...
tokens.append(token) # add the token to list (ignore quote character)
token = '' # and begin new token
inQuote = False # flag that we're not in a quote any more
else: # But if char is a non-matching quote...
token += char # ...just add to token
elif char in self.delims: # or if char is a delimiter...
if len(token) > 0: # ...and token is worth recording...
tokens.append(token) # add token to list
token = '' # and begin new token
else: # if token has 0 length and no content...
pass # ...adjacent delimiters so do nothing
elif char in self.quotes: # But if char is a quote...
inQuoteChar = char # record it to check for matching quote later
inQuote = True # and flag that we're in a quotation
else: # And if char is anything else...
token += char # add to token
if len(token) > 0: # Check if last item is worth recording (len > 0)
tokens.append(token) # add to list of tokens
return tokens # return list of tokens
if __name__ == '__main__':
fName = '/Users/alansalmoni/00_test.csv'
delims = ',; '
quotes = '"' + "'"
CSVFile = CSVObject(fName, delims, quotes)
for line in CSVFile:
print line
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