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Last active March 28, 2023 14:20
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  • Save salmanx/805ec1aabac4dedd3827a03952cce246 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const str = "cats AND*Dogs-are Awesome";
// const str = 'a b c d-e-f%g'
const splitted_word = str.split(/\W+/);
const result =
splitted_word[0].toLocaleLowerCase() +
.map((s) => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1).toLocaleLowerCase())
# Have the function `StringChallenge(**str**)` take the **str** parameter being passed and return it in proper camel case format where the first letter of each word is capitalized (excluding the first letter).
# The string will only contain letters and some combination of delimiter punctuation characters separating each word.
# For example: if **str** is "BOB loves-coding" then your program should return the string **bobLovesCoding**.
# Once your function is working, take the final output string and intersperse it character-by-character with your ChallengeToken.
# Your ChallengeToken: **r1omjb4zc8f**
# Input: "cats AND*Dogs-are Awesome"
# Output: catsAndDogsAreAwesome
# After interparse Final Output: cra1tosmAjnbd4Dzocg8sfAreAwesome
# Input: "a b c d-e-f%g"
# Output: aBCDEFG
# After interparse Final Output: arB1CoDmEjFbG4zc8f
str = "cats AND*Dogs-are Awesome"
# str = "a b c d-e-f%g"
delimeters = [' ', '*', '-', '%']
splitted_word = str.split(Regexp.union(delimeters))
# splitted_word = str.split(/\W+/);
camel_cased_word = splitted_word.last(splitted_word.length - 1 ).map { |a| a.capitalize }.unshift(splitted_word.first.downcase).join
puts camel_cased_word
token = "r1omjb4zc8f"
a1 = camel_cased_word.split('')
b1 = token.split('')
interspersed_word = ""
if a1.length < b1.length
interspersed_word = + b1
elsif a1.length > b1.length
interspersed_word = a1.shift(b1.length).zip(b1) + a1
interspersed_word =
puts interspersed_word.flatten.join
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