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Created January 5, 2017 22:38
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Chipmunks Career Week Algo Problem 2
# Write a function that takes a string as input and reverse only the vowels of a string.
# Example 1:
# Given s = "hello", return "holle".
# Example 2:
# Given s = "leetcode", return "leotcede".
# Note:
# The vowels does not include the letter "y".
# pseudocode
# have two pointers, one starting at the beginning of the string, one at the end
# until the two pointers are pointing at the same index,
# start iterating forwards through the string until hit a vowel
# when hit vowel, start iterating backwards through the string until also hit a vowel
# if this happens, then swap the two indices and continue advancing the first pointer
# big O analysis
# time complexity O(n)
# space complexity O(1)
def reverse_vowels(str)
vowels = %w(a e i o u)
forwards_pointer = 0
backwards_pointer = str.length - 1
while forwards_pointer < backwards_pointer
if !vowels.include?(str[forwards_pointer])
forwards_pointer += 1
if !vowels.include?(str[backwards_pointer])
backwards_pointer -= 1
preceding_vowel = str[forwards_pointer]
str[forwards_pointer] = str[backwards_pointer]
str[backwards_pointer] = preceding_vowel
forwards_pointer += 1
backwards_pointer -= 1
p reverse_vowels("hello")
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