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Last active July 4, 2024 16:53
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CUDA + CuDNN install in Fedora/Ubuntu for Tensorflow-gpu guide.

We will not be using anacond, just classic old pip3
Works on python <= 3.8
Recomended OS: Fedora29(Have reached End of Life), Ubuntu 18.04(End of life: 2023). You can also use Later versions of same OS.
Step 1:
 Install Nvidia Propiatary Drivers:
  For ubuntu: link[]. //Just follow the part where he shows how to install drivers.
  For Fedora using optimus: link[]. I personally stopped before Step 8(in tutorial).
 I know they are Lenghty process(may require several Reboots, but stay with me.
Step 2:
 Install Cuda10.1 for tf2.2 and tf1.15{only for python<3.8}, using this link1[]. A local .deb/.rpm method is recomended.
Step 3:
 Install Cudnn:
  You have a create an account before downloading it.
  Download and extract cudnn Library from link2[].
   Click on the option 'Download cuDNN v7.6.4 (September 27, 2019), for CUDA 10.1'>'cuDNN Library for Linux'
   Best install Instructions: link3[]. Follow Section 2.3.1
  Download and install Runtime+Developer+Code Samples Libraries from link4[].
  If you are having trouble, refer lin3 section 2.3.2/2.3.3
Step 3:
 Test the code using Cudnn Code Sample Library:
  Only avliable for Fedora29/Ubuntu18.04.
  Follow link3 section 2.4.
Step 4:
 Install Tensorflow and then Keras. To avoid version clashes between them follow[]
 Make a simple CNN or copy it from link5[]
 The Speedup must be great{make a virtualenv and install tf-cpu on it and compare OR run the same of Colab(CPU runtime)}
Hope this guides helps. I have used this guide on several Machines, I am also running on my current machine(Fedora32) and it runns Flawlessly.

Any suggestions or questions are welcomed.

Bonus Tip: export TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL='2' copy this into your .dot files of terminal emulator to remove all the log message output('1') and warnings('2'), somtimes they can really disturb your workflow.

Thank You.

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Nvidia removed tar installation instructions. Here is a backup -

oh my Lord, thanks

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