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Last active July 9, 2022 22:07
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Ethereum: python for sending raw JSON-RPC HTTP requests to deploy and interact with a smart contract
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract AdditionContract {
uint public state = 0;
function add(uint value1, uint value2) public {
state = value1 + value2;
function getState() public constant returns (uint) {
return state;
# associated medium post:
import requests
import json
import web3 # Release 4.0.0-beta.8
import pprint
import time
# create persistent HTTP connection
session = requests.Session()
w3 = web3.Web3()
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
requestId = 0 # is automatically incremented at each request
URL = 'http://localhost:8501' # url of my geth node
PATH_GENESIS = '/home/salanfe/privateNetworks/geth_PoA/genesis.json'
PATH_SC_TRUFFLE = '/home/salanfe/Projects/AdditionContract/' # smart contract path
# extracting data from the genesis file
genesisFile = json.load(open(PATH_GENESIS))
CHAINID = genesisFile['config']['chainId']
PERIOD = genesisFile['config']['clique']['period']
GASLIMIT = int(genesisFile['gasLimit'],0)
# compile your smart contract with truffle first
truffleFile = json.load(open(PATH_SC_TRUFFLE + '/build/contracts/AdditionContract.json'))
abi = truffleFile['abi']
bytecode = truffleFile['bytecode']
# Don't share your private key !
myAddress = '0xF464A67CA59606f0fFE159092FF2F474d69FD675' # address funded in genesis file
myPrivateKey = '0x94cb9f766ef067eb229da85213439cf4cbbcd0dc97ede9479be5ee4b7a93b96f'
''' =========================== SOME FUNCTIONS ============================ '''
# see
# and
def createJSONRPCRequestObject(_method, _params, _requestId):
return {"jsonrpc":"2.0",
"params":_params, # must be an array [value1, value2, ..., valueN]
"id":_requestId}, _requestId+1
def postJSONRPCRequestObject(_HTTPEnpoint, _jsonRPCRequestObject):
response =,
headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})
return response.json()
''' ======================= DEPLOY A SMART CONTRACT ======================= '''
### get your nonce
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_getTransactionCount', [myAddress, 'latest'], requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
myNonce = w3.toInt(hexstr=responseObject['result'])
print('nonce of address {} is {}'.format(myAddress, myNonce))
### create your transaction
transaction_dict = {'from':myAddress,
'to':'', # empty address for deploying a new contract
'gasPrice':1, # careful with gas price, gas price below the --gasprice option of Geth CLI will cause problems. I am running my node with --gasprice '1'
'gas':2000000, # rule of thumb / guess work
'data':bytecode} # no constrctor in my smart contract so bytecode is enough
### sign the transaction
signed_transaction_dict = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(transaction_dict, myPrivateKey)
params = [signed_transaction_dict.rawTransaction.hex()]
### send the transacton to your node
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_sendRawTransaction', params, requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
transactionHash = responseObject['result']
print('contract submission hash {}'.format(transactionHash))
### wait for the transaction to be mined and get the address of the new contract
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_getTransactionReceipt', [transactionHash], requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
receipt = responseObject['result']
if(receipt is not None):
if(receipt['status'] == '0x1'):
contractAddress = receipt['contractAddress']
print('newly deployed contract at address {}'.format(contractAddress))
raise ValueError('transacation status is "0x0", failed to deploy contract. Check gas, gasPrice first')
''' ================= SEND A TRANSACTION TO SMART CONTRACT ================'''
### get your nonce
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_getTransactionCount', [myAddress, 'latest'], requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
myNonce = w3.toInt(hexstr=responseObject['result'])
print('nonce of address {} is {}'.format(myAddress, myNonce))
### prepare the data field of the transaction
# function selector and argument encoding
value1, value2 = 10, 32 # random numbers here
function = 'add(uint256,uint256)' # from smart contract
methodId = w3.sha3(text=function)[0:4].hex()
param1 = (value1).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big').hex()
param2 = (value2).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big').hex()
data = '0x' + methodId + param1 + param2
transaction_dict = {'from':myAddress,
'gasPrice':1, # careful with gas price, gas price below the threshold defined in the node config will cause all sorts of issues (tx not bieng broadcasted for example)
'gas':2000000, # rule of thumb / guess work
### sign the transaction
signed_transaction_dict = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(transaction_dict, myPrivateKey)
params = [signed_transaction_dict.rawTransaction.hex()]
### send the transacton to your node
print('executing {} with value {},{}'.format(function, value1, value2))
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_sendRawTransaction', params, requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
transactionHash = responseObject['result']
print('transaction hash {}'.format(transactionHash))
### wait for the transaction to be mined
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_getTransactionReceipt', [transactionHash], requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
receipt = responseObject['result']
if(receipt is not None):
if(receipt['status'] == '0x1'):
print('transaction successfully mined')
raise ValueError('transacation status is "0x0", failed to deploy contract. Check gas, gasPrice first')
''' ============= READ YOUR SMART CONTRACT STATE USING GETTER =============='''
# we don't need a nonce since this does not create a transaction but only ask
# our node to read it's local database
### prepare the data field of the transaction
# function selector and argument encoding
# state is declared as public in the smart contract. This creates a getter function
methodId = w3.sha3(text='state()')[0:4].hex()
data = '0x' + methodId
transaction_dict = {'from':myAddress,
params = [transaction_dict, 'latest']
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_call', params, requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
state = w3.toInt(hexstr=responseObject['result'])
print('using getter for public variables: result is {}'.format(state))
''' ============= READ YOUR SMART CONTRACT STATE GET FUNCTIONS =============='''
# we don't need a nonce since this does not create a transaction but only ask
# our node to read it's local database
### prepare the data field of the transaction
# function selector and argument encoding
# state is declared as public in the smart contract. This creates a getter function
methodId = w3.sha3(text='getState()')[0:4].hex()
data = '0x' + methodId
transaction_dict = {'from':myAddress,
params = [transaction_dict, 'latest']
requestObject, requestId = createJSONRPCRequestObject('eth_call', params, requestId)
responseObject = postJSONRPCRequestObject(URL, requestObject)
state = w3.toInt(hexstr=responseObject['result'])
print('using getState() function: result is {}'.format(state))
''' prints
nonce of address 0xF464A67CA59606f0fFE159092FF2F474d69FD675 is 4
contract submission hash 0x64fc8ce5cbb5cf822674b88b52563e89f9e98132691a4d838ebe091604215b25
newly deployed contract at address 0x7e99eaa36bedba49a7f0ea4096ab2717b40d3787
nonce of address 0xF464A67CA59606f0fFE159092FF2F474d69FD675 is 5
executing add(uint256,uint256) with value 10,32
transaction hash 0xcbe3883db957cf3b643567c078081343c0cbd1fdd669320d9de9d05125168926
transaction successfully mined
using getter for public variables: result is 42
using getState() function: result is 42
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