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cmugla /
Last active November 7, 2022 11:00
Cheat Sheet

Introduction to the Internet

By definition the Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol

  • Server Responses
    • 100: Informational
      • 100: Continue - Server receives request headers and client should proceed to send body
cube-drone /
Last active August 7, 2024 10:34
Automation For The People

Automation for the People

Long ago, the first time I read "The Pragmatic Programmer", I read some advice that really stuck with me.

"Don't Use Manual Procedures".

This in the chapter on Ubiquitous Automation. To summarize, they want you to automate all the things.

The trouble was that I hadn't much of an idea how to actually go

bahuljain /
Last active July 26, 2017 17:23
Spark Mini-Homework

Apache Spark

This will be a quick guide to get you introduced with one of the most popular and effective tools used for working with big data. Apache Spark is a cluster computing platform designed to be fast and general-purpose. On the speed side, Spark extends the popular MapReduce model to efficiently suport more types of computations, including interactive queries and stream processing.

Getting Spark

  • Unlike Hadoop, it is very easy to get Spark installed and running on your computer locally. But we have provided a pre-configured VM to get Spark and IPython notebook running quickly on your machine.
  • A VagrantFile is provided in the repository which will instantiate an Ubuntu virtual machine for you. The steps for running a vagrant VM has been explained in the previous assignment.
  • Once we have the machine up and running and you have ssh-ed into it, you will see a file in /home/vagrant directory.
  • Simply run this script using the command python This wi
sharmaeklavya2 /
Last active May 10, 2023 21:26
Getting started with Competitive Programming

Starting out with Competitive Programming

(This guide is meant for beginners. If you have solved 100+ problems and are looking for guidance on how to solve problems involving algorithms and data structures, this document is not for you.)

Competitive Programming is an interesting activity which mixes problem solving with programming. It is not only enjoyable but also very demanded in placements. Competitive programming will make you very good at writing efficient programs quickly.

seb-martin /
Last active February 10, 2018 16:21
Cheat Sheets

Git Cheat Sheet


Configure tooling

Configure a user information for all local repositories.

Action Command
djspiewak /
Created March 22, 2015 19:55
Introduction to scalaz-stream

Introduction to scalaz-stream

Every application ever written can be viewed as some sort of transformation on data. Data can come from different sources, such as a network or a file or user input or the Large Hadron Collider. It can come from many sources all at once to be merged and aggregated in interesting ways, and it can be produced into many different output sinks, such as a network or files or graphical user interfaces. You might produce your output all at once, as a big data dump at the end of the world (right before your program shuts down), or you might produce it more incrementally. Every application fits into this model.

The scalaz-stream project is an attempt to make it easy to construct, test and scale programs that fit within this model (which is to say, everything). It does this by providing an abstraction around a "stream" of data, which is really just this notion of some number of data being sequentially pulled out of some unspecified data source. On top of this abstraction, sca

lancejpollard /
Last active April 16, 2024 17:57
Simple C examples and their Assembly output from GCC 4.9.0


int foo(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;
ajaynitt / OperatingSystem.cpp
Last active July 26, 2017 17:56
OS Concept
Main memory and the registers built into the processor itself are the only
storage that the CPU can access directly
Registers that are built into the CPU are generally accessible within one
cycle of the CPU clock
A base and a limit register define a logical address space
We can provide this protection by using two registers, usually
a base and a limit
mallond / VI Cheat
Last active August 7, 2020 13:37
VI Cheat
Navigation Keys - These are used in command mode:
$ Move to end of line
^ Move to beginning of line
Save and Quit Commands - These are used in lastline mode:
:w Write buffer (Save changes and continue working in vi Editor)
:w new_filename Write buffer to new filename (continue working in vi)
:wq Write buffer (save changes) and quit vi
:q! Quit without saving changes
:wq! Write buffer (save changes) and quit vi
(The ! will override Read only permissions but only if you are the owner of the file.)