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Created August 12, 2024 20:50
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Guide: Patching IDA Pro 9.0 BETA

Patching the IDA Pro 9.0 BETA


Obligatory disclaimer: this is for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any damages caused by following this guide, or using any of the script(s) herein.

This guide prioritizes arm64 macOS, but may also work for other platforms.

Step 1 - Patching dylibs


Repeat this step for both, libida64.dylib and libida.dylib, as both contain this signature check.


Make sure to create a backup of the libraries just in case something doesn't go correctly.

Start by opening the dylib in your favorite binary analysis software (or hex editor if you're doing a simple search for the public modulus sequence).

Search for usage of the string: Signature decryption failed with code: %d.


Dylib Public Modulus Location
libida64.dylib 0x40bf44
libida.dylib 0x3f4b24

At the location, replace the fourth byte 0x5C to 0xCB (pictured below).


Finally, save the patched dylibs to their original location.

Step 2

Use the attached script to generate an ida.hexlic for your copy.


Internal Error 30016

If encountering this error, navigate to /Applications/IDA Professional and rename arm_mac_user64.dylib to arm_mac_user64.dylib.bak.

If you so choose, you can also remove this file, as it does not seem to benefit the software in any way.

"This application cannot be opened"

Try re-signing both dylibs:

codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none --all-architectures --deep "/Applications/IDA Professional"

codesign -f -s - --timestamp=none --all-architectures --deep "/Applications/IDA Professional"

If that didn't work, try unquarantining IDA Pro using this command:

xattr -r -d /Applications/IDA Professional

Alternatively, try disabling System Integrity Protection.


#!/usr/bin/env python3
Script was made by @alula on GitHub
I made some improvements and modified it to be more user-friendly.
import json
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
def license_structure(name: str, email: str, license_key: str) -> dict:
now =
ten_years_later = now.replace(year=now.year + 10)
ts_start = now.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
ts_end = ten_years_later.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
base = {
"header": {"version": 1},
"payload": {
"name": name,
"email": email,
"licenses": [
"id": license_key,
"license_type": "named",
"product": "IDA",
"seats": 1,
"start_date": ts_start,
"end_date": ts_end, # This can't be more than 10 years!
"issued_on": ts_start,
"owner": name,
"add_ons": [],
"features": [],
addons = [
# Probably cloud?
# "HEXCX86",
# "HEXCX64",
# "HEXCARM64",
# "HEXCPPC64",
# "HEXCRV64",
# "HEXCARC64",
for i, addon in enumerate(addons):
"id": f"48-1337-DEAD-{i:02}",
"code": addon,
"owner": base["payload"]["licenses"][0]["id"],
"start_date": ts_start,
"end_date": ts_end,
return base
def json_stringify_alphabetical(obj: dict) -> str:
return json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":"))
def buf_to_bigint(buf: bytes) -> int:
return int.from_bytes(buf, byteorder="little")
def bigint_to_buf(i: int) -> bytes:
return i.to_bytes((i.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder="little")
# Yup, you only have to patch 5c -> cb in
pub_modulus_hexrays: int = buf_to_bigint(
pub_modulus_patched: int = buf_to_bigint(
private_key: int = buf_to_bigint(
example_real_sig_bytes: bytes = bytes.fromhex("8C601843D20AF0997C175723F49D6C6CE77A039F3FFCEC95B89FD99611C0EDDE0B9762A977C408D25662C06B2424B83EDDFBE30177C1A99A881ED1B695F2AD38E4119058463B0CA1BEA651CFCAFBD60E68A407FD76D519063CFB6EF35FFE7C1A375388BC5EB5565C29AFAB06BF0031A7A2AA7433CBD929FD8D12E160981D0812")
example_real_sig_bigint: int = buf_to_bigint(example_real_sig_bytes)
def decrypt(message: bytes, use_patched: bool = True) -> bytes:
mod: int = pub_modulus_patched if use_patched else pub_modulus_hexrays
decrypted_bigint: int = pow(buf_to_bigint(message), exponent, mod)
decrypted_bytes: bytes = bigint_to_buf(decrypted_bigint)
rev_decrypted_bytes = decrypted_bytes[::-1]
print(f"decrypt: msg: {message.hex().upper()} decryped_bytes: {decrypted_bytes.hex().upper()} rev_decrypted_bytes: {rev_decrypted_bytes.hex().upper()}")
return rev_decrypted_bytes
def encrypt(message: bytes, use_patched: bool = True) -> bytes:
mod: int = pub_modulus_patched if use_patched else pub_modulus_hexrays
encrypted_bigint: int = pow(buf_to_bigint(message[::-1]), private_key, mod)
encrypted: bytes = bigint_to_buf(encrypted_bigint)
print(f"encrypt: msg: {message.hex().upper()} encrypted: {encrypted.hex().upper()}")
return encrypted
exponent = 0x13
def sign_hexlic(payload: dict) -> str:
data = {"payload": payload}
data_str = json_stringify_alphabetical(data)
buffer = bytearray(128)
# first 33 bytes are random
for i in range(33):
buffer[i] = 0x42
# compute sha256 of the data
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
digest = sha256.digest()
print(f"sha-256 digest: {digest.hex().upper()}")
# copy the sha256 digest to the buffer
for i in range(len(digest)):
buffer[33 + i] = digest[i]
print(f"pre-encrypted buffer: {buffer.hex().upper()}")
# encrypt the buffer
encrypted = encrypt(buffer)
print(f"post-encrypted buffer: {encrypted.hex().upper()}")
decrypted_sanity = decrypt(encrypted)
print(f"decrypted encrypted buffer: {decrypted_sanity.hex().upper()}")
return encrypted.hex().upper()
def main():
print("IDA Pro 9.0 BETA Keygen")
print("(!) DISCLAIMER: This is for educational purposes only. (!)")
print("(!) Please note that you must patch the public modulus inside of the ida and ida64 dynamic libraries. (!)")
print(" ↳ For more information about this process:\n\n")
lic_name = input("Enter desired license name (can be fake): ")
lic_email = input("Enter license email address (can be fake): ")
print("Generating license base...")
lic_base = license_structure(lic_name, lic_email, "48-2437-ACBD-29")
lic_base["signature"] = sign_hexlic(lic_base["payload"])
print("Generating ida.hexlic...")
serialized = json_stringify_alphabetical(lic_base)
with open("ida.hexlic", "w") as file:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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dyoniz commented Oct 2, 2024

Fix: xattr -r -d "/Applications/IDA Professional"

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