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Created June 14, 2015 12:57
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Go implement werkzeug generate_password_hash check_password_hash with help of package
package main
import (
var (
method = "pbkdf2:sha1"
salt_length = 8
iterations = 1000
SALT_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
func gen_salt() string {
var bytes = make([]byte, salt_length)
for k, v := range bytes {
bytes[k] = SALT_CHARS[v%byte(len(SALT_CHARS))]
return string(bytes)
func hash_internal(salt string, password string) string {
hash := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), []byte(salt), iterations, 20, sha1.New)
return hex.EncodeToString(hash)
func generate_password_hash(password string) string {
salt := gen_salt()
hash := hash_internal(salt, password)
return fmt.Sprintf("pbkdf2:sha1:%v$%s$%s", iterations, salt, hash)
func check_password_hash(password string, hash string) bool {
if strings.Count(hash, "$") < 2 {
return false
pwd_hash_list := strings.Split(hash, "$")
return pwd_hash_list[2] == hash_internal(pwd_hash_list[1], password)
func main() {
// var pwd = generate_password_hash("123")
// fmt.Println(pwd)
// fmt.Println("pbkdf2:sha1:1000$OInhhke2$755609e03bc57149461fcf775779948495a6874c")
// fmt.Println(check_password_hash("123", pwd))
fmt.Println(check_password_hash("123", "pbkdf2:sha1:1000$OInhhke2$755609e03bc57149461fcf775779948495a6874c"))
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