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Created September 17, 2012 00:05
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Projects - abetterportfolio project
"projects" :
"name": "Diverse Routing Algorithms (2012)",
"category": [ "C", "Networking"],
"technology" : "C, Networking",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implemented two diverse routing algorithms:"},
{"pt" : "Shortest pair edge-disjoint algorithm"},
{"pt" : "Vertex-disjoint algorithm"},
{"pt" : "Language used was C"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 2"}
"github" : "<url>",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Reliable Multicast System (2011)",
"category": [ "C", "Networking", "Distributed"],
"technology" : "C, UDP, Client-Server, Networking",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Designed and implemented point-to-multipoint Reliable Transfer System"},
{"pt" : "System was based on UDP"},
{"pt" : "Implemented over a modified version of Selective Repeat Protocol"},
{"pt" : "Language used was C (with multithreading using pthread)"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 4"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Web Based Mashup (2011)",
"category": [ "Web Dev"],
"technology" : "HTML5, JS/jQuery, PHP, APIs",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implemented a Web-based mashup service for searching online"},
{"pt" : "Provided features like SMS notifications, in-browser calling, open chat room"},
{"pt" : "Used following APIs: Google Maps, Search API; Youtube Data API; Tropo SMS API; Phono API; Pusher API"},
{"pt" : "Implemented using PHP/JS-jQuery/HTML5 components"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 3"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Integrity Attestation (2011)",
"category": [ "C", "Java", "Distributed"],
"technology" : "C, Java, Distributed Systems",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implemented a system that effectively pin-points malicious nodes in a Web-Services framework"},
{"pt" : "Used the concept of 'Request Duplication'"},
{"pt" : "Implemented for a 3 tiered Client-Server architecture"},
{"pt" : "This multi-threaded system was developed using C and Java"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 3"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Collaborative Drawing Android App (2011)",
"category": [ "Android", "Distributed"],
"technology" : "Android, Peer-to-peer",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Developed a multi-user collaborative drawing app in android"},
{"pt" : "It had features like 'Live Drawing Updates' on all user devices, erase drawing, point to a part of drawing using a universal cursor"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 3"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "OS Projects (2010)",
"technology" : "C",
"category": [ "C", "OS"],
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implemented following projects in C -"},
{"pt" : "Virtual Memory and Demand Paging"},
{"pt" : "Reader-writer locks"},
{"pt" : "CPU Scheduling algorithms"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Web Based Dashboard (2009-2010)",
"category": [ "Web Dev"],
"technology" : "PHP, MySQL, Flex, HTML, XML",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implemented an abstract interface for security assessment of a network or web application"},
{"pt" : "Server hosted varied security tools remotely"},
{"pt" : "The features were: Scheduling, running scans on any tool and reporting results"},
{"pt" : "Project Sponsored by: GS Lab Pvt. Ltd. , India"},
{"pt" : "Awarded First Prize at Technical Symposium at PICT and awarded Second Prize for paper presented on the project at BITS, Goa."},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 4"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "CPLEX Programming (2012)",
"category": [ "C++", "CPLEX"],
"technology" : "C++, ILP Problems",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Developed CPLX Programs for solving ILP Problems"},
{"pt" : "This multi-threaded system was developed using C++ and C++ CPLEX Library"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 2"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "ChordLT - Distributed Hashing (2011)",
"category": [ "C", "Distributed"],
"technology" : "C, Peer-to-peer",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implemented a light version of Chord Distributed Hash table system using TCP"},
{"pt" : "Based on the paper 'Chord: A scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications .'"},
{"pt" : "Implemented in C"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 4"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Dynamic Visualization Prototype (2011)",
"category": [ "Web Dev"],
"technology" : "LAMP Stack, ActionScript",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Developed and maintained a client-server and flash based dynamic visualization prototype for a specific use case"},
{"pt" : "Implemented in Flex, HTML and LAMP stack"},
{"pt" : "Project was a part of part-time job on campus"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Student Registration and Searching Tool (2010-2011)",
"category": [ "Web Dev"],
"technology" : "PHP, MySQL, HTML",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implemented a simple student registration system in HTML, PHP and MySQL as a part of a project for a department on campus"},
{"pt" : "Provided a searching tool with various search parameters to search students from the database of students generated in the part one explained above"},
{"pt" : "This was a Volunteer and individual project"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
"name" : "Elementary Circuit Algorithms (2012)",
"category": [ "C", "Networking"],
"technology" : "C, Networking",
"about" : [
{"pt" : "Implementation of Elementary Circuit Algorithms, viz., Tiernan's, Tarjan's and Johnson's algorithms to enumerate all simple cycles in a network"},
{"pt" : "Evaluated these algorithms for their running time against network density and number of nodes in the network"},
{"pt" : "Implemented in C"},
{"pt" : "Project was done in group of 2"}
"github" : "",
"linkedin" : "<url>",
"apis" : "<apis>"
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