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Created March 25, 2023 07:57
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import urllib3
import boto3
import base64
import json
rekognition = boto3.client("rekognition")
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
class DetectText():
"""DetectText class: image coming from the GET event and analyzed with AWS rekognition
- image_url [string] : image url | required
def __init__(self, event):
# check if the `event` contain Get parameters
if "body" not in event:
body = {
"message": "[ERROR]: POST data is missing! Please try new POST request with BODY",
"success": False,
"request": event
self.response = Response._response(400,body)
self.event = event
# Set request parameters
self.image_url = json.loads(event['body'])["image_url"] if "image_url" in json.loads(event['body']) else 'test url'
# Download image from link as base 64
self.image_base64 = self.get_as_base64()
# Run AWS Rekognition (AI) detect_text
self.detect_image_text = self.detect_image_text()
# Run AWS Rekognition (AI) parse text
self.detect_image_text_array = self.parse_image_text()
# Set proper response
self.response = self.parse_response()
#Download image and return base64encode image
def get_as_base64(self):
print("Call to get_as_base64")
image_download = http.request('GET',self.image_url)
print('get_as_base64 error:', e)
return False
return base64.b64encode(
def detect_image_text(self):
'''Call to AWS Textract for object detection'''
print("Call to AWS Rekognition for text detection on image '{}'".format(self.image_url))
image_text = []
if (self.image_base64==False):
return image_text
image_text = rekognition.detect_text(
Image = {
"Bytes": base64.b64decode(self.image_base64)
except Exception as e:
print('rekognition error:', e)
return image_text
return image_text
def parse_image_text(self):
print("Call to parse_image_text")
image_text_arr = []
if 'TextDetections' in self.detect_image_text:
for obj in self.detect_image_text['TextDetections'] :
if 'DetectedText' in obj and obj['DetectedText'] not in image_text_arr:
return image_text_arr
def parse_response(self):
print("Call to parse_response")
# If no text generated -> return error
if not self.detect_image_text_array:
http_code = 400
body = {
"MESSAGE": "[ERROR]: Please try again with different image url or make sure image is available for download",
"SUCCESS": False,
"REQUEST": self.event["body"]
# If people generated -> return detect faces
http_code = 200
body = {
"success": True,
"data": self.detect_image_text_array,
"message": "Image text has extracted completely!",
"request": json.loads(self.event["body"])
return Response._response(http_code,body)
# Helper class to refactore response messages
class Response():
def _response(http_code, body):
return {
"headers": {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
"statusCode": http_code,
"body": body
# main lambda handler - Code excute here
def lambda_handler(event, context):
'''Method run by Lambda when the function is invoked'''
# calling Hashtags calss and invoke hastags detect
result = DetectText(event)
# return response
return result.response
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