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Created October 26, 2020 13:26
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Naive Bayes Classifier Implementation
testData = "Type Long NotLong Sweet NotSweet Yellow NotYellow Total\nBanana 400 100 350 150 450 50 500\nOrange 0 300 150 150 300 0 300\nOther 100 100 150 50 50 150 200\nTotal 500 500 650 350 800 200 1000"
file = open("data.txt", "w+")
file = open("data.txt", "r")
lines = file.readlines()
types = ['long', 'notlong', 'sweet', 'notsweet', 'yellow', 'notyellow', 'total']
dataset = {}
for line in lines[1:]:
data = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ')
dataset[data[0].lower()] = {}
d = data[1:]
for idx, type in enumerate(types):
dataset[data[0].lower()][type] = int(d[idx])
def calcP(obj, idx, div=None):
if not div:
div = dataset[obj]['total']
return dataset[obj][idx] / div
def naiveBayes(pAB, pA, pB):
nB = (pAB * pB) / pA
return nB if nB <= 1.0 else 1.0
pTypes = {}
for type in types:
pTypes[type] = calcP('total', type)
pFruits = {}
for fruit in dataset:
pFruits[fruit] = calcP(fruit, 'total', dataset['total'][type])
pFruitType = {}
for fruit in dataset:
pFruitType[fruit] = {}
for idx, type in enumerate(types):
pFruitType[fruit][type] = calcP(fruit, type, dataset['total'][type])
pTypeFruit = {}
for type in types:
pTypeFruit[type] = {}
for fruit in dataset:
pTypeFruit[type][fruit] = naiveBayes(pFruitType[fruit][type], pFruits[fruit], pTypes[type])
pFruitProbability = {}
classifyBy = ['sweet', 'notlong', 'yellow'] # [set(input("Enter types of the unknown fruit: ").split(' ')]
for fruit in dataset:
pFruitProbability[fruit] = 1
for cls in classifyBy:
pFruitProbability[fruit] *= pTypeFruit[cls][fruit] # * pTypeFruit['sweet'][fruit] * pTypeFruit['yellow'][fruit]
decession = max(pFruitProbability, key=pFruitProbability.get)
print(f"The class of an unknown fruit that is {', '.join(classifyBy)} is '{decession}'")
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