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Created August 28, 2017 17:49
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"form": {
"offer": {
"flights": [
"flight_segments": [
"carriers": {
"operating": {
"code": "MR",
"name": "7?)EQ•O\f#>|ú\u0011\u000bÆ¡\u0018ijÇ/\u001b”K¬"
"marketing": {
"code": "EG",
"name": "aWA\u001b{\u0018H'f["
"number": 921,
"booking_class": "Y",
"availability": -23,
"cabin": "F",
"departure": {
"terminal": "9@§\u0006\u0001ke!©b\n:\u001cÖ;",
"city": {
"code": "SAW",
"name": ":^V\ro¤zkö",
"country": "\u0019<\u0004PôfM'\u0006\u0006^r-"
"airport": {
"code": "KMP",
"name": "Ö\u001aCˆHüU\n\\~"
"time": "1968-05-24T12:21:00+0000"
"arrival": {
"terminal": "\u0000\u0000f&P\u0005Æ2±J\u001eDìœ\u0002Gc@\u0013Q",
"city": {
"code": "HNA",
"name": "o\u0007GgAe\u007f\u0003/!(ß[/p`\u0003\u0001kt\u001e\b¤Ð†d:¸Y",
"country": "\u0013\rI,ð|<\u000e„aq5m\u001dsº³>€\t\u001f"
"airport": {
"code": "SAW",
"name": "\u001b/\bÅqqDrœ‰*gmˆ¤¥ÕF\b\u0010‘Å\u0014\u0007"
"time": "1968-05-24T16:50:00+0000"
"vehicle": {
"code": "QQS",
"name": "\u0013öŠcÆ"
"technical_stops": [
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"airport": {
"code": "ROW",
"name": "tP3\u001dš$MV)°ºcv2J3%×i˜6uf\f\"o#^\""
"city": {
"code": "JXA",
"name": "‰2q7FD=_m^¢,•„S\rcf\u0010",
"country": " JÛS\u001b•s‘Ózf\fši•FŒ3”}[E\u0003"
"arrival": "1968-05-24T15:10:00+0000",
"departure": "1968-05-24T17:05:00+0000",
"duration": 28
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"airport": {
"code": "TXL",
"name": "tn\u0003ª\td{\u001eý2"
"arrival": "1968-05-24T23:12:00+0000",
"departure": "1968-05-24T22:28:00+0000",
"duration": 12
"duration": 23,
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"confirmation_number": null,
"ancillary_services": null
"duration": 5
"validating_carrier": {
"code": "5N",
"name": "j_øRϒdhyHœM'?&:~3\u0002"
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"client_card": {
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"infant": null,
"adult": {
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"currency": "USD"
"infant": {
"amount": "-26.61",
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"adult": {
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"fare_rules": [
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"carrier": "MS",
"fare_basis": "DKRO",
"penalties": "h\u0014DÎECtÌshkÖrÿ-•EÖ"
"carrier": "7Z",
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"penalties": "\"~|ò=d/ë\u001bdëŒL8t"
"carrier": "EG",
"fare_basis": "ML",
"penalties": "Ù\u0007i]\u0016I†î\u000e\u0011÷#q‹F["
"passengers": [
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"infant": null,
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"surname": "alwbxkodtka",
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"bonus_card": {
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"meal_code": "AVML",
"name": "gymucdmlomqrwcl",
"surname": "tfwkiixdchbd",
"nationality": "GAF",
"passenger_type": "adult",
"passport": "62936602206829902",
"bonus_card": null
"frequent_flyer_programs": [
"carrier_code": "WF",
"program_name": "\u0012d8q\u001dþ4¹Û;|Ñ'¤x"
"carrier_code": "KU",
"program_name": "SG"
"errors": {
"persons": {
"index": [],
"summary": [
"Some of persons are not judes"
"payment": {
"pricing": [],
"credit_card": {
"number": [
"Wrong number"
"expiry_date": [
"Wrong date format"
"zip_code": [
"Zip code format wrong"
"contact_info": {
"email": [
"Email is malformed"
"phone": [
"Phone number is malformed"
"global": [
"Ticketing limit is exceeded"
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