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Sun Wuan s5unty

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joulgs / terminal.txt
Last active September 16, 2024 04:07
How install libssl1.1 on ubuntu 22.04
sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb
merlinmann /
Last active August 1, 2024 01:08
Merlin's Wisdom Project (Draft)

Merlin's Wisdom Project

Or: “Everybody likes being given a glass of water.”

By Merlin Mann.

It's only advice for you because it had to be advice for me.

kborovik / How to use a GPG key for SSH authentication
Created October 8, 2020 12:28
How to use a GPG key for SSH authentication
# How to use a GPG key for SSH authentication
# Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
# Enable SSH support in gpg-agent:
echo enable-ssh-support > ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
# Cache GPG & SSH passwords for 24 hours (the reboot will clear the password cache)
echo max-cache-ttl 86440 >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
echo max-cache-ttl-ssh 86440 86440 >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
echo default-cache-ttl 86440 >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
fanlushuai / surfingkeys-config.txt
Last active September 19, 2024 15:50
//=========================enjoy !!!=============================================
// 1. 输入流畅理念。修改F键的导航功能,按键生成策略。采用左边前两排+v,b的字符。保证不会生成rx,一些让手指弯曲过度的组合按键。使得输入更加流畅
// 2. 高频快速直达理念。搜索,使用独立的s关键字,使用最少的按键,来处理最高频的功能。同理,最直达的逻辑优化。h,直达历史,以及内置的b书签。通过原始的o前缀虽然也挺快,但是,还是处在一种没有优先级的状态。
// 3. 添加快速搜索的能力(可以抛弃一键切换插件)(注:xx可以表达为,域名的缩写,比如,github-gh,google-gg。自己可以改配置,加搜索引擎):
// a. ";+xx",携带当前关键字,切换搜索引擎进行搜索】(独有扩展)
// b. ";;+xx", 使用当前选中的内容,进行浏览器的搜索(内置,使用s+。这种更加易于,减轻快捷键的记忆负担。)
// c. ";;;+xx", 使用用户输入,在当前页面打开输入框,进行搜索(内置,使用s+,这种减轻记忆负担。同时因为在使用频率上,也就s频率高。所以,单独抽取了一个s键)
// d. "alt+s",快速的自动切换搜索引擎,按照顺序进行搜索
// e. "oa+xx",使用关键字,同时打开相同类型的搜索引擎,进行搜索。比如,一个关键字将同时打开,google,baidu。
// 4. 添加导航的功能,使用"m+xx"的方式,直接跳转到目标网站(独有扩展。可以抛弃导航插件了)
mayneyao / notion2blog.js
Last active September 14, 2024 01:22 > Personal Blog | custom domain + disqus comment
const MY_DOMAIN = ""
const START_PAGE = ""
const DISQUS_SHORTNAME = "agodrich"
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const corsHeaders = {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
y0ngb1n /
Last active September 21, 2024 15:35
国内的 Docker Hub 镜像加速器,由国内教育机构与各大云服务商提供的镜像加速服务 | Dockerized 实践
mcattarinussi /
Last active September 18, 2024 20:54
A setup guide to use a personal gpg key for ssh authentication

GPG - SSH setup

Generating the master key

Here we create the master key. We want only Certify capability: we use the master key only to create the subkeys, Sign - Encrypt - Authenticate capabilities will be assigned to the subkeys.

Run the following command to start the master key generation process. Select the set your own capabilities creation process (type 8)

  ▶ gpg --full-generate-key --expert

gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.9; Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Oranzh / openssl.ssh
Created April 26, 2018 03:15 — forked from mbejda/openssl.ssh
Installing OpenSSL 1.0.2 on Ubuntu 14
openssl version -a
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:0k53d-karl-f830m/openssl
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openssl
openssl version -a
posener /
Last active September 16, 2024 16:35
Be Careful with Table Driven Tests and t.Parallel()

Be Careful with Table Driven Tests and t.Parallel()

We Gophers, love table-driven-tests, it makes our unittesting structured, and makes it easy to add different test cases with ease.

Let’s create our table driven test, for convenience, I chose to use t.Log as the test function. Notice that we don't have any assertion in this test, it is not needed to for the demonstration.

func TestTLog(t *testing.T) {
napramirez /
Created December 18, 2017 04:43
Convert LetsEncrypt Certificates to PFX
# Copy of
pemsdir='/etc/letsencrypt/archive' # default search PEMs
pfxspath='/share/letsencrypt/archive' # dest of the PFXs
passfile='/share/letsencrypt/pass.txt' # password to be applied to the PFX file
for cnvifull in `find "${pemsdir}" -name 'cert*.pem' -o -name '*chain*.pem'`