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Created September 29, 2023 01:06
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Output from zig test suite:
run blocks: error: the following command terminated with signal 9 (expected exited with code 0):
run blocks: error: the following command terminated with signal 9 (expected exited with code 0):
Output from dtrace if I attempt to run the first executable manually:
$ pfexec dtrace -qn 'exec /strstr(args[0], "blocks") != NULL/ { printf("process %s [%d] exec %s\n", execname, pid, args[0]); } exec-failure { printf("failed to exec: %s [%d]: errno = %d\n", execname, pid, args[0]); } signal-send { printf("process %s [%d] sent signal %d to %s [%d]\n", execname, pid, args[2], args[1]->pr_fname, args[1]->pr_pid); }'
process bash [2284] exec /tmp/build_rpz/zig-0.12.0/zig-0.12.0/zig-cache/o/22d8368ac9f2e8a052a6f4d05c51b9e7/blocks
process bash [2284] sent signal 9 to bash [2284]
failed to exec: bash [2284]: errno = 8
process sched [0] sent signal 18 to bash [22648]
process bash [22648] sent signal 20 to bash [22648]
process sshd [15508] sent signal 2 to dtrace [2283]
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Elf header:

ELF Header
  ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
  ei_class:   ELFCLASS64          ei_data:       ELFDATA2LSB
  ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_NONE       ei_abiversion: 0
  e_machine:  EM_AMD64            e_version:     EV_CURRENT
  e_type:     ET_EXEC
  e_flags:                     0
  e_entry:             0x8000000  e_ehsize:     64  e_shstrndx:  1
  e_shoff:                 0x828  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum:     14
  e_phoff:                  0x48  e_phentsize:  56  e_phnum:     7

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