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Created August 15, 2020 06:27
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;; pseudo-random numbers don't follows Benford's Law.
(ql:quickload :cl-spark)
(defun random-numbers (max count)
(loop repeat count
for n := (random max)
when (plusp n)
collect n))
(defun most-significant-digit (x)
(nth-value 0 (floor (/ x (expt 10 (floor (log x 10)))))))
(defun histogram (numbers)
(loop with hist := (make-array 9 :initial-element 0)
for x in numbers
do (incf (aref hist (1- x)))
finally (return hist)))
(defun main (&optional (max 1000000) (count 1000000))
(let* ((numbers (random-numbers max count))
(digits (mapcar #'most-significant-digit numbers))
(hist (histogram digits)))
(spark:spark (coerce hist 'list))))
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
CL-USER> (main)
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