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Last active April 27, 2021 22:38
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JIRA Issue Bookmarklet
javascript:(function() {
"support old jira first";
const descriptionElement = document.getElementById("description");
if (descriptionElement) {
descriptionElement.value = "*What*:\n\n*Why*:\n\n*What does success look like?*\n\n*Testing Notes*\n\n*Technical Notes/Hints*\n\n";
"support new jira issue view";
const proseMirrorElement = document.getElementsByClassName("ProseMirror")[0];
if (proseMirrorElement) {
const evt = new ClipboardEvent("paste");
evt.clipboardData.items.add("**What**: *The thing we're trying to do*\n\n**Why**: *what's the rationale for doing this? What is the motivating reason for this work?* \n\n**What does success look like?**\n- *What are all the technical items we need to address*\n\n**Testing Notes**\n- *What are the steps a tester needs to do to verify this change?*\n\n**Technical Notes/Hints**\n- *What contextual information would help drive the implementation?*\n\n", "text/plain");
alert("Unable to find a JIRA Issue Description on this page!");
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Now that JIRA phased out the old issue view, I was trying this on Jira Cloud new issue view on 25.04.2021 with Chrome Version 90.0.4430.85 on Mac OS 10.15.7 but I can't seem to be able to add the ClipboardEvent.

const evt = new ClipboardEvent("paste")
--> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'items' of null

I can't figure this out even after reading

Previously, I already had changed
$(".ProseMirror") from your script to document.getElementsByClassName("ProseMirror") as I was getting Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined... Do you know what might be wrong? Cheers, Dennis

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Hey, glad you found use for the script -- I don't actively use this script anymore. I also don't use Chrome, so I don't know what the quirks are across browsers. The script seems to work fine in Firefox.

I used this source as a reference to this script.

Good luck!

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@ds-clearago -- I gave the script a try today on Firefox and it still works. The issue you're encountering might be Chrome specific

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