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Ryan Wachtl ryanwachtl

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chasevida / gist:1961f881afc58da13ecb
Last active January 8, 2016 16:27
nginx.conf for silverstripe & homestead
server {
listen 80;
server_name sitename.local;
root /home/vagrant/path/to/directory/sitename;
index framework/main.php;
charset utf-8;
location / {
troelskn /
Created December 14, 2013 20:43
Make dashing mobile friendly
# dashing.js is located in the dashing framework
# It includes jquery & batman for you.
#= require dashing.js
#= require_directory .
#= require_tree ../../widgets
console.log("Yeah! The dashboard has started!")
Dashing.on 'ready', ->
JeffreyWay / .vimrc
Last active August 3, 2024 16:51
My .vimrc file
set nocompatible " Disable vi-compatibility
set t_Co=256
colorscheme xoria256
set guifont=menlo\ for\ powerline:h16
set guioptions-=T " Removes top toolbar
set guioptions-=r " Removes right hand scroll bar
set go-=L " Removes left hand scroll bar
set linespace=15
mtowers /
Last active February 24, 2022 17:19
Google Analytics Website Visitor Count Widget for Dashing with OAuth2 Authentication
ryanwachtl / _ss_environment.sample.php
Last active July 14, 2018 08:15
Configure SilverStripe using the _ss_environment.php file.
* Configure SilverStripe from the _ss_environment.php file.
* Edit this file and rename from _ss_environment.sample.php to _ss_environment.php.
* Put "require_once('conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php');" into your _config.php file.
nathansmith / config.rb
Created August 29, 2011 21:00
Example config.rb file for Compass
preferred_syntax = :sass
http_path = '/'
css_dir = 'assets/stylesheets'
sass_dir = 'assets/sass'
images_dir = 'assets/images'
javascripts_dir = 'assets/javascripts'
relative_assets = true
line_comments = true
# output_style = :compressed