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Last active December 17, 2015 22:08
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What I need from you is the following:

  • Access to the source code on GitHub.
  • A production version of your app running somewhere.
  • A completed final questionnaire -- one per team is fine. Here's an example.

These are due Tuesday June 11th by the end of the day.

Grading Criteria

When I look at your final project, here's what I'm going to ask myself.

1. How has your understanding of Ruby on Rails grown?

Hopefully this comes as no surprise. :)

Your project deliverables should demonstrate to me what you've learned as a result from taking this course. Perhaps you plowed through the course with minimal speed bumps? Or perhaps you had to shore up your Ruby on Rails fundamentals before you could tackle new challenges? Where ever you fall on this spectrum, it's critical that you communicate to me how you've grown.

2. What features did you implement?

We discussed many programming techniques and Ruby gems throughout this course. I don't expect your app to implement every single one. However, I do expect your app to leverage a variety of techniques and gems in fun or unique or interesting ways.

3. How is your code organized?

Your future employer (and future self) will expect your code to be well organized. I'll be looking for the following:

  • Data persistence logic should be in model classes.
  • View logic should be in view templates.
  • Glue logic should be in controller actions.
  • Shared logic should be in helper or custom classes.
  • Configuration logic should be in configuration files.

4. How correct is your code?

Bugs happen, but I shouldn't encounter any show-stopping issues just by using your app. I recommend asking your parter, your kids, your friends, your parents, a stranger off the street, etc. to play with your app before submitting it for grading.

Test suites are an awesome tool as well. Just be sure you don't spend too much time wrestling with test code.

5. What challenges have you overcome?

I don't expect everything to go perfectly for you -- both technically and non-technically. But when you get knocked down, it's important to get back up. So it's crutial that I understand the context on how your project was shaped.


I realize it's stressful when you think about your grade for the course being based solely on a final project. Don't freak out. The course is pass / fail. And there are varying degrees of passing. :P

The project is due by the end of the day on Tuesday June 11th. At the time of writing, that's 12 days, or about 300 hours, from now. Also, you started your project 8 weeks ago. And most of you have been working diligently on it during class and at home.

Just like a real-world project, it's time to step up and deliver.

Also, keep in mind that I want you to pass the course. So ask me questions, schedule office hours, and ping Trevor and me if you get stuck. Communicate and you'll do just fine.

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