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Last active October 23, 2019 13:45
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Swift Logger
// Logger.swift
// JerarquicosGPO
// Created by Igor Andruskiewitsch on 9/2/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Rusito23. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
let logger = Log()
extension Date {
func toLoggerString() -> String {
let loggerDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
let loggerFormatter = DateFormatter()
loggerFormatter.dateFormat = loggerDateFormat
loggerFormatter.locale = Locale.current
loggerFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone.current
return loggerFormatter.string(from: self as Date)
class Log {
// MARK: Levels
enum Level: String {
case debug = "DEBUG 💬 "
case verbose = "VERBOSE 🔬 "
case info = "INFO ℹ️ "
case warning = "WARNING ⚠️ "
case severe = "SEVERE ‼️ "
case error = "ERROR 🔥 "
// MARK: Utils
private func getDate() -> String {
return Date().toLoggerString()
private func sourceFileName(_ filePath: String) -> String {
let components = filePath.components(separatedBy: "/")
return components.isEmpty ? "" : components.last!
func print(_ object: Any) {
// Only allowing in DEBUG mode
// MARK: Log methods
extension Log {
// MARK: Debug
func debug(_ object: Any,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #column,
funcName: String = #function) {
\(getDate()) \(Level.debug.rawValue)[\(sourceFileName(filename))]:\
\(line) \(column) \(funcName) -> \(object)"
// MARK: Info
func info(_ object: Any,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #column,
funcName: String = #function) {
\(getDate()) \([\(sourceFileName(filename))]:\
\(line) \(column) \(funcName) -> \(object)"
// MARK: Warning
func warn(_ object: Any,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #column,
funcName: String = #function) {
\(getDate()) \(Level.warning.rawValue)[\(sourceFileName(filename))]:\
\(line) \(column) \(funcName) -> \(object)"
// MARK: Verbose
func verbose(_ object: Any,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #column,
funcName: String = #function) {
\(getDate()) \(Level.verbose.rawValue)[\(sourceFileName(filename))]:\
\(line) \(column) \(funcName) -> \(object)"
// MARK: severe
func severe(_ object: Any,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #column,
funcName: String = #function) {
\(getDate()) \(Level.severe.rawValue)[\(sourceFileName(filename))]:\
\(line) \(column) \(funcName) -> \(object)"
// MARK: error
func error(_ object: Any,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #column,
funcName: String = #function) {
\(getDate()) \(Level.error.rawValue)[\(sourceFileName(filename))]:\
\(line) \(column) \(funcName) -> \(object)"
// MARK: request
func request<T: Codable>(_ object: T,
url: String,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #column,
funcName: String = #function) {
let body = try? JSONEncoder().encode(object)
let bodyString = body != nil ? String(data: body!, encoding: .utf8) : nil
let message = """
\(getDate()) \([\(sourceFileName(filename))]:\
\(line) \(column) \(funcName) ->
Request: \(url)
Body: (\(T.self))
\(bodyString ?? "Failed to encode body.")
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