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Created July 14, 2020 14:34
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from scipy import integrate
import numpy as np
def spring_sys(t, y, m, b, k, F):
x, v = y
dx = v
dv = (F - k * x - b * v) / m
return dx, dv
def run_sim(x0, v0, m, b, k, F, tend, n):
t = np.linspace(0, tend, n)
res = integrate.solve_ivp(spring_sys, (0, tend), (x0, v0), t_eval=t, args=(m, b, k, F))
return hv.Curve((res.t, res.y[0]))
#run_sim(1, 0, 1, 0.1, 2, 0, 10, 100)
arguments = [arr.ravel() for arr in np.mgrid[0.5:2:2j, 0.1:1.0:3j, 0.5:3:3j, 0:1:3j]]
hm = hv.HoloMap(kdims=['m', 'b', 'k', 'F'])
for args in zip(*arguments):
hm[args] = run_sim(1.0, 0.0, *args, tend=10, n=50)
hm.overlay('k').layout(['m', 'b']).cols(3).opts(
hv.opts.NdOverlay(show_legend=True, legend_position='top', legend_cols=True),
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