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Created July 3, 2019 06:41
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Read row and column and copy to clipboard. cells(row, column) eqauls range(좌표).value
Const pGene As Integer = 24 '출력 시작하는 row
Sub Input_Button_Click() 'Generate Button Click시
Dim cAttrib As Integer
Dim cName As Integer
cAttrib = 0
Do While Sheet1.Range("B" & 4 + cAttrib).Value <> "" '속성 개수 카운트
cAttrib = cAttrib + 1
Do While Sheet1.Cells(3, 3 + cName) <> "" '이름 개수 카운트
cName = cName + 1
For i = 1 To cName '출력해야되는 갯수만큼
For j = 1 To cAttrib + 1 '속성 수만큼
Sheet1.Range("C" & pGene + j + ((cAttrib + 1) * (i - 1))).Value = Sheet1.Cells(3 + cAttrib + j, 2 + i)
End Sub
Sub Clear_Button_Click() 'Clear Button Click 시
Dim cGene As Integer
cGene = 0
Do While Sheet1.Range("C" & pGene + cGene + 1).Value <> ""
cGene = cGene + 1
For i = pGene To cGene + pGene
Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value = ""
End Sub
Public Function Set_Clipboard(ByRef sText As String) As Boolean 'Clipboard에 데이터 카피
Dim obj As DataObject
If obj Is Nothing Then
Set obj = New DataObject
End If
If sText <> "" Then
obj.SetText sText
Set_Clipboard = True
Set_Clipboard = False
End If
End Function
Sub Copy_Clipboard() ' Copy button click 시
Dim cString As String
Dim cGene As Integer
Dim Tog As Boolean
Tog = False
cGene = 0
Do While Sheet1.Range("c" & pGene + cGene + 1).Value <> ""
cGene = cGene + 1
cString = cString & Sheet1.Range("c" & pGene + cGene + 1).Value & vbCrLf
Tog = Set_Clipboard(cString)
If Tog Then
MsgBox "Copy to Clipboard"
MsgBox "Fail to Copy"
End If
End Sub
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