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Created September 25, 2021 02:50
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Experiment expanding the basic nature of Racket structs to allow reflection and dynamic reference to fields. Also, use the struct as a procedure for get and set.
#lang racket
(for-syntax racket/syntax
(provide struct*
fields name get set)
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define-generics reflective-struct
(fields reflective-struct)
(name reflective-struct)
(get reflective-struct . field-symbol)
(set reflective-struct field-symbol value))
(define-syntax (struct* stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ struct-name:id [struct-prop:id ...] extra-properties ...)
(define (getter-name prop-stx) (format-id prop-stx "~a-~a" #'struct-name prop-stx))
(with-syntax ([orig stx]
[(full-prop-name ...)
(map getter-name (syntax->list #'(struct-prop ...)))]
[(struct-properties ...)
(filter identity
(if (member '#:opaque (syntax->datum #'(extra-properties ...))) #f '#:transparent)))])
(define-struct/derived orig struct-name [struct-prop ...]
struct-properties ...
;; TODO Create this one if none is provided in "extra-properties"
#:property prop:procedure
[(power-struct field-symbol) (get power-struct field-symbol)]
[(power-struct field-symbol value) (set power-struct field-symbol value)])
#:methods gen:reflective-struct
[(define (fields power-struct) '(struct-prop ...))
(define (name power-struct) 'struct-name)
(define/match (get power-struct . field-symbol)
[(obj (list 'struct-prop)) (full-prop-name obj)] ...
[(obj (list field-symbol* ..2)) (map (λ (e) (get obj e)) field-symbol*)]
[(obj _) (raise-syntax-error
(format "Field '~a' is not a field of '~a'. Fields are '~a'"
'(struct-prop ...))
(define/match (set power-struct field-symbol value)
[(obj 'struct-prop v) (struct-copy struct-name obj [struct-prop v])] ...
[(obj _ _) (raise-syntax-error
(format "Field '~a' is not a field of '~a'. Fields are '~a'"
'(struct-prop ...))
(module+ test
(struct* test1 [a b])
(struct* test2 [a b c] #:opaque)
(define x (test1 1 2))
(define y (test2 3 4 5))
(check-equal? x (test1 1 2))
(check-not-equal? x (test1 1 3))
(check-equal? y y)
(check-not-equal? y (test2 3 4 5))
(check-equal? (name x) 'test1)
(check-equal? (name y) 'test2)
(check-equal? (fields x) '(a b))
(check-equal? (fields y) '(a b c))
; Getters
(check-equal? (get x 'b) 2)
(check-equal? (x 'b) 2)
(check-equal? (get y 'b) 4)
(check-equal? (y 'b) 4)
(check-equal? (get y 'c 'b 'a) (list 5 4 3))
; Immutable setters
(check-equal? (set x 'a 10) (test1 10 2))
(check-equal? (x 'a 10) (test1 10 2)))
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