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Forked from jrmoran/
Created March 24, 2013 18:18
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Precompiled Haml templates with CoffeeScript

Read more here

To compile the files just run

haml index.haml index.html && coffee -c

You might be interested in the following command line tools to compile files automatically

Friendlier tools

companies = [{"id":1,"ticker":"AAPL","name":"Apple Inc"},
{"id":2,"ticker":"ABC","name":"Amerisourcebergen Corp"},
{"id":3,"ticker":"ABT","name":"Abbott Labs"},
{"id":4,"ticker":"ACE","name":"Ace Ltd"},
{"id":5,"ticker":"ADBE","name":"Adobe Sys Inc"}]
_.templateSettings = interpolate :/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
$ ->
template = $('#templates .company_li').html()
htmlstr = ( _.template( template, c) for c in companies)
$('#companies ul').append htmlstr.join ''
!!! 5
%title Test
%script{:src => ''}
%script{:src => ''}
%script{:src => 'app.js'}
%span.ticker {{ticker}} {{name}}
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