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Created January 31, 2021 21:11
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A really simple memory cache class that supports running functions on cache expiration.
* A key for an entry in the cache.
type CacheKey = string | symbol
export class CacheError<TInnerError extends Error, TData> extends Error {
public constructor(public innerError: TInnerError, public data: TData) {
export type TimeoutCallback<TData = any> = (opts: {
key: CacheKey
data: TData
cache: MemoryCache
}) => void | Promise<void>
interface CachePutOptions<TData> {
* If true an expired value is not automatically deleted and will result in
* cache hits if fetched.
keepExpired?: boolean
* The number of milliseconds to keep the entry in cache.
lifetime?: number
* An optional function that is called when the entry expires.
* Note that the entry is deleted BEFORE this callback is called
* (unless keepExpired is true).
onExpire?: TimeoutCallback<TData>
interface CachePut<TData> extends CachePutOptions<TData> {
* The unique cache key for this entry.
key: CacheKey
* The data to cache.
data: TData
interface CacheEntry<TData = any> {
key: CacheKey
data: TData
options: CachePutOptions<TData> & {
_expireTimeoutId?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>
_isExpired?: boolean
* A really simple memory cache that supports running a function once a cache
* entry times out.
export class MemoryCache {
* Contains actual cached data
private _store: Map<CacheKey, CacheEntry> = new Map()
* Contains promises for fetching data for specific keys
private _fetchStore: Map<CacheKey, Promise<any>> = new Map()
public get size() {
return this._store.size
public get keys() {
return this._store.keys()
private _expire(key: CacheKey, triggerOnExpire = true) {
const entry = this._store.get(key)
if (!entry) return false
const { options, data } = entry
options._isExpired = true
if (options._expireTimeoutId) {
if (!options.keepExpired) {
if (triggerOnExpire && options.onExpire) {
options.onExpire({ key, data, cache: this })
return true
public get<TData>(key: CacheKey, includeExpired = false) {
if (!this.has(key, includeExpired)) return undefined
return this._store.get(key)!.data as TData
* Returns true if the cache contains an entry for the cache key that is not
* expired (stale)
* @param key
* @param includeExpired If true an expired value will also result in true
public has(key: CacheKey, includeExpired = false) {
const has = this._store.has(key)
if (!has) return false
const entry = this._store.get(key)!
return includeExpired ? true : !entry.options._isExpired
public put<TData>(opts: CachePut<TData>) {
const { key, data, lifetime, onExpire, keepExpired } = opts
this._expire(key, false)
const entry: CacheEntry<TData> = {
options: {
if (lifetime && lifetime > 0) {
entry.options._expireTimeoutId = setTimeout(
() => this._expire(key),
this._store.set(key, entry)
* Remove a cache entry. Returns true if the entry was present, false if not.
* @param key The key to delete.
public del(key: CacheKey) {
return this._expire(key)
* Removes all entries in the cache optionally triggering onExpire
* @param triggerOnExpire If true will trigger the onExpire listener for every entry upon clear
public clear(triggerOnExpire = false) {
const keys = Array.from(this.keys) // Ensures that keys added by onExpire handlers are not cleared.
for (const key of keys) {
this._expire(key, triggerOnExpire)
* Returns the data requested as soon as it is available. The following flow
* is used:
* 1. If data is in cache and not expired, return it
* 2. If data is in cache and expired, return it, trigger fetch and cache result
* 3. If data is not in cache, tirgger fetch return promise for data
* 4. If data is not in cache, but fetch triggered, return pending promise
* Exceptions in fetcher are swalloed! Must be logged elsewhere.
* @param opts
* @param fetcher
public async getOrFetch<TData>(
opts: Omit<CachePut<TData>, "data">,
fetcher: () => TData | Promise<TData>
) {
const { key } = opts
const entry: CacheEntry<TData> | undefined = this._store.get(opts.key)
if (entry && !entry.options._isExpired) {
// entry may be undefind or expired
if (this._fetchStore.has(key)) {
// There is a fetch operation running, return whatever data is fastest
return entry?.data ?? (this._fetchStore.get(key)! as Promise<TData>)
const refetchWrapper = async () => {
try {
const data = await fetcher()
this.put({ ...opts, data })
return data
} catch (error) {
throw new CacheError(error, entry?.data)
const refetchPromise = refetchWrapper()
this._fetchStore.set(key, refetchPromise)
return entry?.data ?? refetchPromise
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