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Created August 20, 2024 15:06
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// --- `@solana/web3.js` v1 ---
import web3 from '@solana/web3.js';
(async (rpcUrl: string) => {
const rpc = new web3.Connection(rpcUrl);
const subject = new web3.PublicKey('j1oAbxxiDUWvoHxEDhWE7THLjEkDQW2cSHYn2vttxTF');
const signatures = await rpc.getSignaturesForAddress(subject, {
limit: 1000,
}, 'finalized');
const mevProbability = estimateMevProbability(signatures);
`Estimated MEV probability for address "${subject}":\n`,
// --- OUTPUT (as of: Aug 20 2024 15:04:22 UTC) ---
// Estimated MEV probability for address "j1oAbxxiDUWvoHxEDhWE7THLjEkDQW2cSHYn2vttxTF":
// 0.9999685386458833
})(process.env.SOL_RPC_URL || '');
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- `@solana/web3.js` v2: ---
import { createSolanaRpc, address } from '@solana/web3.js';
(async (rpcUrl: string) => {
const rpc = createSolanaRpc(rpcUrl);
const subject = address('j1oAbxxiDUWvoHxEDhWE7THLjEkDQW2cSHYn2vttxTF');
const signatures = await rpc.getSignaturesForAddress(subject, {
commitment: 'finalized',
limit: 1000,
const mevProbability = estimateMevProbability(signatures);
`Estimated MEV probability for address "${subject}":\n`,
})(process.env.SOL_RPC_URL || '');
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type GetSignaturesForAddressTransaction =
| { blockTime?: number | null; slot: number }
| { blockTime?: number | null; slot: bigint };
// NOTE: signatures must be sorted chronologically (in either ascending or
// descending order, based on `blockTime`/`slot`).
function estimateMevProbability<T extends GetSignaturesForAddressTransaction>(
signatures: readonly T[],
useBlockTime = false,
): number {
const dists: number[] = [];
let last = 0;
for (const entry of signatures) {
const n = Number(useBlockTime ? entry.blockTime : entry.slot);
if (isNaN(n) || n <= 0) continue;
if (last !== 0) {
dists.push(Math.abs(last - n));
last = n;
return _noiseToSignal(dists, useBlockTime ? 157.0 : 829.0, 2.0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function _noiseToSignal(xs: number[], targetRatio: number, stdCutoff = 2.0): number {
if (xs.length <= 1 || targetRatio <= 0.0 || stdCutoff <= 0.0) return NaN;
let mean = _mean(xs);
let std = _std(xs, _variance(xs, mean));
const cutoff = stdCutoff * std;
xs = xs.filter(x => Math.abs(x - mean) < cutoff);
mean = _mean(xs);
std = _std(xs, _variance(xs, mean));
const coeff = (mean * std) / xs.length;
return 1 - Math.tanh(coeff / targetRatio);
function _sum(xs: number[], f?: (x: number) => number): number {
if (xs.length <= 0) return 0.0;
let sum = 0.0, comp = 0.0, t = 0.0, y = 0.0;
for (const x of xs) {
y = (f ? f(x) : x) - comp;
t = sum + y;
comp = (t - sum) - y;
sum = t;
return sum;
function _mean(xs: number[]): number {
return xs.length > 0 ? _sum(xs) / xs.length : 0.0;
function _variance(xs: number[], mean: number = NaN): number {
if (xs.length <= 1) return 0.0;
mean = isNaN(mean) ? _mean(xs) : mean;
return _sum(xs, x => { x -= mean; return x * x }) / (xs.length - 1);
function _std(xs: number[], variance: number = NaN): number {
if (xs.length <= 1) return 0.0;
variance = isNaN(variance) ? _variance(xs, NaN) : variance;
return Math.sqrt(variance);
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