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Last active December 29, 2019 18:36
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How I think about default values in JavaScript
* How I think about default values in JavaScript
* First of all, all these things can fall under the Opinions, Concerns, and Nitpick
* umbrella. The most important thing is just giving thought to the things
* you have opinions about and always reserve the right to be corrected.
* My simple rule of thumb is to try to set initial state to whatever the
* eventual state will be for Objects and Arrays.
* Strings and numbers default to undefined.
* Describing usage
* Problems defaulting to undefined:
* A lot of times I am just trying to describe how state will be used,
* so setting values that will be used later as `undefined` will give
* future users some understanding of what state might exist
// bad
const initialState = {
// type string
name: undefined,
// type number
age: undefined,
// type array of strings
cars: undefined,
// type deep object {height: string, shoe_size: number}
metaData: undefined
// > TypeError: is undefined
// console.log(initialState.metaData.test)
// > TypeError: initialState.metaData is undefined
* Defaulting to `undefined` has been a safer choice overall in my experience,
* because other authors tend to not set object properties befefore usage, or
* they might just not exist on some JSON you get back from a server
* Problems defaulting to null:
* any time you want to use `typeof` you will need to check for two values
* // super error prone
* typeof !== "object" && typeof === "string"
// Bad
const initialState = {
name: null,
age: null,
cars: null,
metaData: null
// typeof
// > "object"
// > TypeError: is null
// console.log(initialState.metaData.test)
// > TypeError: initialState.metaData is null
* Problems defaulting to the values type
const initialState = {
age: 0, // is 0 a valid age?,
name: "" // will someone typeof === 'string' and also have to check length?
* My preference, which has in my experience been less error prone.
* The only time I will use null as a default is if some API I am using uses null.
const initialState = {
age: undefined,
name: undefined,
cars: [],
metaData: { height: undefined, shoe_size: undefined }
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