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rsteckler / gist:3f4592e1235219feb5cc469af08861b0
Created February 8, 2023 02:50
LC100 and LX470 canbus notifications
public class Callback_0439_LUZ_Lexus_IS extends CallbackCanbusBase {
public static final int U_AIR_AC = 2;
public static final int U_AIR_AQS = 15;
public static final int U_AIR_AUTO = 4;
public static final int U_AIR_AUTO_WIN = 13;
public static final int U_AIR_BACK_AUTO = 79;
public static final int U_AIR_BACK_BLOW = 81;
public static final int U_AIR_BACK_COOL = 83;
public static final int U_AIR_BACK_HEAT = 84;
public static final int U_AIR_BACK_MANUAL = 78;
rsteckler / gist:7eccefd89a10759c494645dde7593d1a
Created January 17, 2022 15:49
Integration information for Ring contact sensor
"id": 39,
"name": "",
"loc": "",
"values": [
"id": "39-128-0-level",
"nodeId": 39,
"commandClass": 128,
"commandClassName": "Battery",
type chunkStats struct {
// Stores the chunk file size for each chunk
size int64
// Indicate whether or not a chunk is shared by multiple snapshots
unique bool
// Store the index of the snapshot that references each chunk; if the chunk is shared by multiple chunks, the index is -1
snapshotIndex int
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.126 [0x7fb2127cc700] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /hubs/
metadata/7306/related?excludeFields=summary&includeExternalMedia=1&includeExternalMetadata=1&asyncAugmentMetadata=1 (11 live) TLS GZIP Signed-in Token (cryptyk)
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.126 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - * Host =>
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.126 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - * Connection => keep-alive
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.126 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - * Accept => application/json
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.126 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - * Origin => http://plex.home:32400
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.127 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - * Accept-Language => en
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.127 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - * User-Agent => Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.127 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - * Referer => http://plex.home:32400/web/index.html
Jun 15, 2019 16:44:40.127 [0x7fb2127cc700] VERBOSE - *
*** I let the server settle at this point. I get these consistent GET /metrics with 5 live connections that complete quickly.
Jun 08, 2019 12:09:06.029 [0x7f9530f50700] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /metrics (5 live) GZIP Signed-in
Jun 08, 2019 12:09:06.029 [0x7f9530f50700] DEBUG - Completed: [] 401 GET /metrics (5 live) GZIP 0ms 357 bytes
Jun 08, 2019 12:09:21.029 [0x7f9531751700] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /metrics (5 live) GZIP Signed-in
Jun 08, 2019 12:09:21.029 [0x7f9531751700] DEBUG - Completed: [] 401 GET /metrics (5 live) GZIP 0ms 357 bytes
Jun 08, 2019 12:09:36.029 [0x7f9531751700] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /metrics (5 live) GZIP Signed-in
Jun 08, 2019 12:09:36.029 [0x7f9531751700] DEBUG - Completed: [] 401 GET /metrics (5 live) GZIP 0ms 357 bytes
Jun 08, 2019 12:09:51.029 [0x7f9531751700] DEBUG - Request: [ (Subnet)] GET /metrics (5 live) GZIP Signed-
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: external-home-secure-ingress
annotations: / "nginx" letsencrypt-prod "2048" https://$host/oauth2/start
ubuntu@node1:~$ kubectl describe certificate home-secure-tls-secret
Name: home-secure-tls-secret
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version:
Kind: Certificate
Creation Timestamp: 2019-05-04T15:27:06Z
Generation: 4
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Using /home/ubuntu/homestack/kubespray/ansible.cfg as config file
/home/ubuntu/homestack/kubespray/inventory/mycluster/hosts.yml did not meet host_list requirements, check plugin documentation if this is unexpected
/home/ubuntu/homestack/kubespray/inventory/mycluster/hosts.yml did not meet script requirements, check plugin documentation if this is unexpected
PLAY [localhost] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Check ansible version >=2.7.6] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Sunday 14 April 2019 17:40:06 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:00.047 **********
ok: [localhost] => {
"creditorName": "WELLS FARGO",
"creditorNameF": "Wells Fargo",
"dateOpenedObj": {
"value": "2004-04-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"formattedDates": {
"defaultValue": "Apr 4, 2004",
"shortDisplayValue": "Apr 2004",
"timeZone": "GMT-08:00"
freenas:/ # zpool status
pool: freenas-boot
state: ONLINE
scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0 days 00:00:50 with 0 errors on Mon Feb 4 03:45:51 2019
freenas-boot ONLINE 0 0 0
da0p2 ONLINE 0 0 0