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rschuetzler /
Last active August 24, 2024 03:28
Using LetsEncrypt with Amazon Linux 2023
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Place in .platform/hooks/postdeploy directory
sudo certbot -n -d YOURDOMAINHERE --nginx --agree-tos --email YOUREMAILHERE
rschuetzler /
Last active April 13, 2019 12:31
Takes files in format `yyyy-mm-dd-post-slug-here.markdown` and converts them to `post-slug-here/index.markdown`
import frontmatter
from pathlib import Path
import re
import os
import errno
p = Path("./posts")
for path in p.glob("*.markdown"):
with open(path, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
rschuetzler /
Last active January 12, 2018 20:29
Show a Python Program
x = 1
if x > 3:
print("X is big")
else: # Invalid syntax error
print("X is small")
rschuetzler / SYSK Band
Last active February 18, 2023 01:10
A list of potential band names mentioned in the Stuff You Should Know Podcast

I started this list way too late, so I know I'm missing most of them. Please submit others you know of so we can complete the list.

  • Tub of Pulp (2017-06-22 - How Ketchup Works)
  • Charismatic Megafauna (2017-05-11 - How Charismatic Megafauna Work)
  • Itch-Scratch Cycle (2017-05-09 - How Itching Works)
  • Worm Burden (2017-03-16 - Southerners Aren't Lazy and Dumb, They Just Had Hookworm)
  • Force Multiplier
  • Indian Territory (2017-03-07? - History of the Trail of Tears, Part I)
  • Winner's Bitch (2012-12-27 - How Dog Shows Work)
  • Extraordinary Rendition (2010-06-22 - How Ghost Prisons Work)
rschuetzler / datacom-reading-list.adoc
Last active April 13, 2017 20:19
Supplementary readings and sites for introductory data communications students

Datacom Reading List

I’ve been teaching data communications to undergraduate students for years, and for graduate students for only slightly less time. Over this time I’ve accumulated a whole bunch of interesting supplementary readings, videos, and activities to make things more interesting. This is the list so others can use it. If you have suggested additions, let me know. I’m happy to find more!

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rschuetzler on github.
  • I am rschuetzler ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key is ASD1UGpYq9lNtyFhAyGZABkRjEFMA_elK1YyPd1UfRS8dgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

rschuetzler / figures.tex
Created June 6, 2014 19:19
LaTeX document demonstrating use of figures in a float
% \usepackage{biblatex}
\graphicspath { {figs/} }
This is me referencing Figure~\ref{fig:smile}.
rschuetzler / figure.tex
Last active April 17, 2019 21:07
Basic code for creating a figure
\title{Now We're Citing}
\author{Ryan Schuetzler}
\title{Now We're Citing}
\author{Ryan Schuetzler}