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Last active June 28, 2017 15:23
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Using Kubeadm

Bring up kubernetes with vagrant cd /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d modify 10-kubeadm.conf add

Environment="KUBELET_NETWORK_ARGS=--network-plugin=kubenet --non-masquerade-cidr="

cd /etc/kubernetes/manifests vi kube-controller-manager.json "--allocate-node-cidrs=true" "--cluster-cidr="

restart the service

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo su [root@localhost vagrant]# /bin/systemctl restart kubelet.service Warning: kubelet.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units. [root@localhost vagrant]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@localhost vagrant]#

using to bring up a local single node k8s cluster

set up e2e following instructions at had to restart docker service docker restart

Brought up the local cluster in the first window To run kubenet, kubenet needs cni components.

The plugin requires a few things:
    The standard CNI bridge, lo and host-local plugins are required, at minimum version 0.2.0. Kubenet will first search for them in /opt/cni/bin. 

Download ( or build if you wish) the binaries from tar -C /opt/cni/bin/ -xvf cni-amd64-v0.5.2.tgz

The hyperkube binary is an all in one binary, combining all the previously separate binaries.

make WHAT='cmd/kube-controller-manager'
make WHAT='cmd/hyperkube'
sudo LOG_LEVEL=4 API_HOST= ENABLE_RBAC=true -E PATH=$PATH NET_PLUGIN=kubenet WAIT_FOR_URL_API_SERVER=15 ./hack/ -o _output/bin/

Got an error bring up the cluster, need to increase the api server wait time, WAIT_FOR_URL_API_SERVER=15

Waiting for apiserver to come up
!!! [0628 09:56:16] Timed out waiting for apiserver:  to answer at; tried 10 waiting 1 between each
check apiserver logs: /tmp/kube-apiserver.log
Cleaning up...

Getting error running an e2e test -

go get
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