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Created November 14, 2017 21:14
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// EnsureProxyAddon creates the kube-proxy addons
func EnsureProxyAddon(cfg *kubeadmapi.MasterConfiguration, client clientset.Interface) error {
if err := CreateServiceAccount(client); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when creating kube-proxy service account: %v", err)
// Generate Master Enpoint kubeconfig file
masterEndpoint, err := kubeadmutil.GetMasterEndpoint(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
ip := net.ParseIP(cfg.API.AdvertiseAddress)
if ip.To4() == nil && ip.To16() != nil {
//bindAddress = "\"::\""
cfg.KubeProxy.Config.BindAddress = "::"
//} else {
// bindAddress = ""
// Validate the kube-proxy bind address
bindAddress := cfg.KubeProxy.Config.BindAddress
//if net.ParseIP(bindAddress) == nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("kube-proxy bind address '%s' is not a valid IP address", bindAddress)
// If the bind address begins with a ':' (e.g. the IPv6 address '::'),
// then wrap it in double quotes; otherwise the config parser will
// consider it a syntax error.
if bindAddress[0] == ':' {
bindAddress = "\"" + bindAddress + "\""
ser, err := kubeadmutil.MarshalToYaml(&cfg.KubeProxy.Config, v1.SchemeGroupVersion)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when marshaling: %v", err)
proxyConfigMapBytes, err := kubeadmutil.ParseTemplate(KubeProxyConfigMap,
struct {
MasterEndpoint string
Config []byte
MasterEndpoint: masterEndpoint,
Config: ser,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when parsing kube-proxy configmap template: %v", err)
proxyDaemonSetBytes, err := kubeadmutil.ParseTemplate(KubeProxyDaemonSet, struct{ ImageRepository, Arch, Version, ImageOverride, ExtraParams, ClusterCIDR, MasterTaintKey, CloudTaintKey string }{
ImageRepository: cfg.GetControlPlaneImageRepository(),
Arch: runtime.GOARCH,
Version: kubeadmutil.KubernetesVersionToImageTag(cfg.KubernetesVersion),
ImageOverride: cfg.UnifiedControlPlaneImage,
ExtraParams: getParams(cfg.FeatureGates),
ClusterCIDR: getClusterCIDR(cfg.Networking.PodSubnet),
MasterTaintKey: kubeadmconstants.LabelNodeRoleMaster,
CloudTaintKey: algorithm.TaintExternalCloudProvider,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when parsing kube-proxy daemonset template: %v", err)
if err := createKubeProxyAddon(proxyConfigMapBytes, proxyDaemonSetBytes, client); err != nil {
return err
if err := CreateRBACRules(client); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when creating kube-proxy RBAC rules: %v", err)
fmt.Println("[addons] Applied essential addon: kube-proxy")
return nil
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