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Robert Pocklington rpocklin

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ktaragorn /
Last active January 15, 2018 09:08 — forked from ivanxuu/
#! /bin/sh
# Provides: pumacontrol
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Puma web server
rtt /
Last active September 17, 2024 21:54
Tinder API Documentation

Tinder API documentation

Note: this was written in April/May 2014 and the API may has definitely changed since. I have nothing to do with Tinder, nor its API, and I do not offer any support for anything you may build on top of this. Proceed with caution

I've sniffed most of the Tinder API to see how it works. You can use this to create bots (etc) very trivially. Some example python bot code is here -> (horribly quick and dirty, you've been warned!)

apla / icons_and_splash.js
Created August 7, 2013 23:15
cordova hook script to copy icons and splash screens to platform directories
#!/usr/bin/env node
var cordova_util = require('cordova/src/util');
var projectRoot = cordova_util.isCordova(process.cwd());
var projectXml = cordova_util.projectConfig(projectRoot);
var projectConfig = new cordova_util.config_parser(projectXml);;
var fs = require ('fs');
riywo / gist:5000181
Created February 20, 2013 22:15
How to delete git remote(origin) branch or tag?
# branch
$ git branch -d BRANCH # delete local BRANCH
$ git push origin :BRANCH # delete remote BRANCH
# tag
$ git tag -d TAG # delete local TAG
$ git push origin :refs/tags/TAG # delete remote TAG
lexmag / counter.rb
Created August 4, 2012 22:32
Terribly simple Sinatra streaming
require 'sinatra'
set server: :thin
get '/' do
erb :welcome
get '/stream', provides: 'text/event-stream' do
stream do |out|
loop do
lexmag / application.js
Created August 4, 2012 19:28
Rails streaming
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
$(function() {
var source = new EventSource('/stream');
source.addEventListener('counter', function(e) {
$('body').after( + '<br />');
dira / rename_mongoid_collection.rb
Created March 28, 2012 10:14
Rename a Mongoid collection
# want to nest `Video` under `Media`; had a `videos` collection
# rename the collection:
Mongoid.database.rename_collection('videos', 'media')
# or
# change the type of all the existing records
(function($) {
// Used by dateinput
$.expr = {':': {}};
// Used by bootstrap
$.support = {};
// Used by dateinput
$.fn.clone = function(){
var ret = $();
tbranyen / proposal.js
Created November 7, 2011 01:53
Backbone LayoutManager proposal
// Global configuration, may be overidden, configure will, under the hood, mix
// into the prototype. If you use configure within extending it will mix into
// the instance.
// Specify the engine to use, should be a reference type, function/object/etc.
engine: _.template
// Configure on a per layout basis, mixes into the instance
// Backbone.LayoutManager internally extends from Backbone.View
dnagir / deploy.rb
Created May 18, 2011 14:55
Flexible Rails deployment with Capistrano and Nginx
set :domain, ENV["domain"]
set :application, domain
set :user, ENV["user"]
set :destination, ENV["destination"] || domain
set :web_conf, ENV["web_conf"] || ENV["environment"] || 'production'
raise "please set" unless domain
raise "please set user=server_username" unless user
set :port, ENV["port"] || 1234
set :repository, "."