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Last active December 31, 2023 17:12
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Use Supabase RLS with Drizzle

Supabase RLS Policy functions and Postgres transaction configuration association


Supabase's RLS Policy functions PgTransaction config to set Description
auth.uid() set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', <current_user_uid>, true) <current_user_uid> comes from your own way to get the current user uid set_config('', <current_user_email>, true) <current_user_email> The current user email
auth.role() set_config('request.jwt.claim.role', <current_user_role>, true) <current_user_role> The current user role
auth.jwt() set_config('request.jwt.claim', <current_user_jwt>, true) <current_user_jwt> The current user jwt token. 🚨 I'm note sure about the config name, found nothing in Supabase repo

These user datas can come from Supabase auth or a user table. What matters is that it matches when you use these functions in your RLS Policy

Use Supabase RLS with Drizzle Transaction

You have to use a transaction to isolate the user queries

Supabase RLS doc

const data = await db.transaction(
  async (tx) => {
    // You use `auth.jwt()` in your RLS policy
    await tx.execute(sql`SELECT set_config('', '${sql.raw(jwtClaim)}', TRUE)`);
    // You use `auth.uid()` in your RLS policy
    await tx.execute(sql`SELECT set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', '${sql.raw(userUid)}', TRUE)`);
    // You use `` in your RLS policy
    await tx.execute(sql`SELECT set_config('', '${sql.raw(userEmail)}', TRUE)`);
    // You use `auth.role()` in your RLS policy
    await tx.execute(sql`SELECT set_config('request.jwt.claim.role', '${sql.raw(userRole)}', TRUE)`)

    // do not use the default role (Drizzle uses your root user with `postgres` role) because it will bypass the RLS policy, set role to authenticated
    await tx.execute(sql`set local role authenticated`);

    // All the following will be run with the user context set with `set_config`
    await tx.update(...);

  // ...

Maybe what Drizzle can do

const data = await db.transaction(
  async (tx) => {
    // Drizzle has applied the configuration for you
    // All the following will be run with the user context set by Drizzle with `set_config`
    await tx.update(...);

  // ...
    configs: [
      // You use `auth.jwt()` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: jwtClaim,
        isLocal: true,
      // You use `auth.uid()` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: userUid,
        isLocal: true,
      // You use `` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: userEmail,
        isLocal: true,
      // You use `auth.role()` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: userRole,
        isLocal: true,
    role: 'authenticated',

Open for custom configuration helpers

async function authenticated(){
  // Your own way to get the current user session, depending on what framework you use
  const session = await getSession();

  const jwtClaim = decodeJwt(session.access_token);
  const role = session.user.role;
  const userUid = session.user.sub;
  const userEmail =;
  const userRole = session.user.role;

  return   {
    configs: [
      // You use `auth.jwt()` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: jwtClaim,
        isLocal: true,
      // You use `auth.uid()` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: userUid,
        isLocal: true,
      // You use `` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: userEmail,
        isLocal: true,
      // You use `auth.role()` in your RLS policy
        name: "",
        value: userRole,
        isLocal: true,
  } satisfies PgTransactionOptions

const data = await db.transaction(
  async (tx) => {
    // Drizzle has applied the configuration for you
    // All the following will be run with the user context set by Drizzle with `set_config`
    await tx.update(...);

  // ...
  await authenticated()

Thanks to @zaynetro and @jhonsfran1165

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