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roysubs / what-function
Last active August 8, 2024 02:14
Try to give meaningful information about any Variable, Cmdlet, Function, Alias, External Script, Application
# Find definitions for any Cmdlet, Function, Alias, External Script, Application, or Variable
function what {
param (
[ArgumentCompleter({ [Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::Command })]
# Previously declared $cmd as [string]$cmd but this was wrong as cannot then handle arrays or anything else
roysubs / notes-downloading.ps1
Created November 29, 2019 23:03
Notes: download methods
# How do I download URL content using Get-Content in PowerShell Script?
# Assumes that you have a URL on each line in C:\Urls.txt. It will put the files in a folder at C:\UrlOutput. If that’s not where you want them, just change the $OutputFolder variable value appropriately.
$Urls = Get-Content "C:\Urls.txt"
$OutputFolder = "C:\UrlOutput"
if(!(Test-Path $OutputFolder)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputFolder -Force | Out-Null }
for ($x = 0; $x -lt ($Urls | measure | select -expand Count); $x++)
roysubs / Custom-Tools.psm1
Last active April 7, 2024 20:20
Custom-Tools Module to copy into C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custom-Tools
# Custom-Tools.psm1
# Current Version: 2020-10-24
# Module is installed to the Module folder visible to all users (but can only be modified by Administrators):
# C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custome-Tools
# The Module contains only functions to access on demand as required.
# mods : View all Modules installed in all PSModulePath folders.
roysubs / ProfileExtensions.ps1
Last active July 29, 2024 13:20
Called from $profile to add functionality to console settings
# ProfileExtensions.ps1
# The profile extensions is normally called by a single line that is added to
# the end of $Profile, or can be dotsourced manually if required.
# The handler line in $Profile performs the following:
# a) It check if $($Profile)_extensions.ps1 exists, if not download it.
# b) It then runs (dotsource) $($Profile)_extensionss.ps1.
roysubs / BeginSystemConfig.ps1
Last active September 13, 2024 07:21
Run this script using iex (Invoke-Expression) to configure apps, create profile-extensions, install modules and other custom setup
# BeginSystemConfig.ps1
# iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''));
# Author:
# 2019-11-25 Initial setup
# 2020-10-19 Latest Version
roysubs / Git-dump
Last active April 7, 2024 20:22
Git basics dump ...
Just some notes on git ...
Install git from # Quick guide from GitHub
Create folder and put stuff in it.
# git init
# git add <filename> # add <filename>
# git add . # add all files in folder
# git status # show added / not added / changed files
roysubs / Basic-Tools.psm1
Last active April 7, 2024 20:22
PowerShell Module with constantly updated set of general tools
# Isolate as much as possible away from $profile. All functions should be in Modules whenever possible
# Module: Common-Tools
# Collection of helper functions to constantly update
function syntax($cmd) { Get-Command $cmd -Syntax } # or (Get-Command $cmd).Definition
function parameter($cmd, $parameter) { Get-Help $cmd -Parameter $parameter }
function examples($cmd) { Get-Help $cmd -Examples } # or (Get-Command $cmd).Definition
roysubs / Get-Gist.ps1
Last active April 7, 2024 20:22
Get-Gist, not working yet
# Get-Gist
# Copy of the Gist-Functions, with focus on Get-Gist
# You need a GitHub account to post a gist, this does not support anonymous posts.
# Remember that the param statement should be the first one in a PowerShell script.
roysubs / Send-Gist.ps1
Created November 24, 2019 04:27
Description for Send-Gist.ps1
# Send-Gist
# Copy of the Gist-Functions, with focus on Send-Gist
# You need a GitHub account to post a gist, this does not support anonymous posts.
# Remember that the param statement should be the first one in a PowerShell script.
param([string]$Path, [string]$Description)