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Last active September 6, 2024 21:22
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  • Save royratcliffe/670884e9d763f6ead09a50fb5121cd09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save royratcliffe/670884e9d763f6ead09a50fb5121cd09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <cassert>
* \brief True if the first string ends with the second string.
* \param ends String with some required ending for which to test.
* \param with Ending to test the first string against.
bool ends_with(const std::string &ends, const std::string &with) {
return ends.length() >= with.length() && - with.length(), with.length(), with) == 0;
int ends_with_test(int argc, char **argv) {
assert(ends_with("abc", "c"));
assert(ends_with("abc", ""));
assert(!ends_with("abc", "z"));
assert(ends_with("a.bmp", ".bmp"));
//** $Id: SAC.hpp,v 1.2 2000/11/01 07:57:06 royr Exp $
//** Name
// sac.h -- statistical accumulator
//** Description
// Objects of the StatisticalAccumulator<T> class emulate a
// scientific calculator in statistical mode. You can use it to
// compute the following statistics:
// arithmetic mean (average)
// standard deviation, sample-based
// standard deviation, population-based
// minimum
// maximum
// Use the += operator to add data to the accumulator. This is
// equivalent to the M+ button on a calculator. The statistics are
// updated to reflect the new data value.
// All the accumulator's behaviors involve floating-point
// operations if your template type is float or double. So these
// objects should not normally be used in interrupt handlers unless
// the floating-point unit permits re-entrancy. The statistics are
// only partially computed when the data are added to the
// accumulator. The mean and standard deviation statistics are
// calculated from the sum of the data and the sum of the data
// squared only when the caller invokes the member functions. The
// getAverage, getStDev and getStDevP operations are therefore
// relatively slow.
// The class provides the following interface:
// StatisticalAccumulator()
// StatisticalAccumulator& operator+=(T x)
// StatisticalAccumulator& operator-=(T x)
// void clear()
// unsigned int getCount() const
// T getAverage() const
// T getStDev() const
// T getStDevP() const
// T getVar() const
// T getMin() const
// T getMax() const
// The first four modify the state of an accumulator. The get*
// member functions access the statistical information.
// Accumulator objects do not throw exceptions. The quiet SAC_NaN
// constant is returned to indicate an error.
//** Example
// #include "sac.h"
// #include <iostream>
// . . .
// StatisticalAccumulator<double> sac;
// ((sac += 1) += 2) += 3;
// cout << "Average = " << sac.getAverage() << endl
// << "StDev = " << sac.getStDev() << endl
// << "StDevP = " << sac.getStDevP() << endl
// << "Min = " << sac.getMin() << endl
// << "Max = " << sac.getMax() << endl;
#pragma once
#ifndef __cplusplus
template <typename T> class StatisticalAccumulator {
// interface
StatisticalAccumulator &operator+=(T x);
StatisticalAccumulator &operator-=(T x);
void clear();
size_t getCount() const;
T getSum() const { return sigmaX; }
T getSum2() const { return sigmaX2; }
T getAverage() const;
T getStDev() const;
T getStDevP() const;
T getVar() const;
T getMin() const;
T getMax() const;
// implementation
size_t n; // n
T sigmaX; // sum of x
T sigmaX2; // sum of x * x
T min; // minimum of x
T max; // maximum of x
#include <limits> // numeric_limits
// StatisticalAccumulator::StatisticalAccumulator
//** Synopsis
// StatisticalAccumulator()
//** Description
// The StatisticalAccumulator constructor puts a new accumulator
// object into an initial state by calling clear.
template <typename T> StatisticalAccumulator<T>::StatisticalAccumulator() {
// StatisticalAccumulator::operator+=
//** Synopsis
// StatisticalAccumulator& operator+=(T x)
//** Description
// The += operator adds a value to the accumulator.
template <typename T>
StatisticalAccumulator<T> &StatisticalAccumulator<T>::operator+=(T x) {
// Update the counter, the sum of X, the sum of X squared, and the
// minimum and maximum values.
sigmaX += x;
sigmaX2 += x * x;
if (n == 1) {
min = x;
max = x;
} else {
if (x < min) {
min = x;
if (x > max) {
max = x;
return *this;
// StatisticalAccumulator::operator-=
//** Synopsis
// StatisticalAccumulator& operator-=(T x)
//** Description
// The -= operator subtracts a value from the accumulator. This
// assumes that the given value has previously been added to the
// accumulator with the += operator.
// This operator does not modify the minimum and maximum. The
// values returned by getMin and getMax are invalid when the -=
// operator is used.
template <typename T>
StatisticalAccumulator<T> &StatisticalAccumulator<T>::operator-=(T x) {
if (n) {
sigmaX -= x;
sigmaX2 -= x * x;
// min and max are now invalid!
return *this;
// StatisticalAccumulator::clear
//** Synopsis
// void clear()
//** Description
// The clear operation resets the statistical accumulator. The
// number of data values is cleared to zero.
template <typename T> void StatisticalAccumulator<T>::clear() {
n = 0;
sigmaX = 0;
sigmaX2 = 0;
min = numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
max = numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
// StatisticalAccumulator::getCount
//** Synopsis
// unsigned int getCount() const
//** Description
// The getCount member function tells how many numbers have been
// added so far.
template <typename T> unsigned int StatisticalAccumulator<T>::getCount() const {
return n;
// StatisticalAccumulator::getAverage
//** Synopsis
// T getAverage() const
//** Description
// GetAverage returns the average, or arithmetic mean, of the data.
//** Return Value
// The return value is not-a-number if the accumulator is clear.
template <typename T> T StatisticalAccumulator<T>::getAverage() const {
if (n == 0) {
return numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
return sigmaX / n;
// StatisticalAccumulator::getStDev
//** Synopsis
// T getStDev() const
//** Description
// The getStDev function calculates and returns the standard
// deviation of a sample.
// GetStDev assumes that the accumulated data are just a sample of
// the whole population.
//** Return Value
// Not-a-number is returned if the accumulator contains less than
// two values.
template <typename T> T StatisticalAccumulator<T>::getStDev() const {
if (n < 2) {
return numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
return sqrt((n * sigmaX2 - sigmaX * sigmaX) / (n * (n - 1)));
// StatisticalAccumulator::getStDevP
//** Synopsis
// T getStDevP() const
//** Description
// The getStDevP function calculates the standard deviation of an
// entire population.
// GetStDevP assumes that the accumulated data are the entire
// population, not just a sample.
//** Return Value
// Not-a-number is returned if the accumulator is empty.
template <typename T> T StatisticalAccumulator<T>::getStDevP() const {
if (n < 1) {
return numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
return sqrt((n * sigmaX2 - sigmaX * sigmaX) / (n * n));
// StatisticalAccumulator::getVar
//** Synopsis
// T getVar() const
//** Description
// The getVar function calculates the statistical variance, or
// standard deviation squared.
//** Return Value
// Not-a-number is returned if the accumulator is empty.
template <typename T> T StatisticalAccumulator<T>::getVar() const {
if (n < 1) {
return numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
return (n * sigmaX2 - sigmaX * sigmaX) / (n * n);
// StatisticalAccumulator::getMin
//** Synopsis
// T getMin() const
//** Description
// The getMin member function returns the value of the smallest
// number that has been added to the accumulator.
template <typename T> T StatisticalAccumulator<T>::getMin() const {
if (n == 0) {
return numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
return min;
// StatisticalAccumulator::getMax
//** Synopsis
// T getMax() const
//** Description
// The getMax member function returns the value of the largest
// number that has been added to the accumulator.
template <typename T> T StatisticalAccumulator<T>::getMax() const {
if (n == 0) {
return numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
return max;
#endif // __cplusplus
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#define SAC_SCALAR_TYPE double
#define SAC_SIZE_TYPE size_t
#ifndef SAC_NAN
#define SAC_NAN NAN
#ifndef SAC_SQRT
#define SAC_SQRT sqrt
struct statistical_accumulator {
SAC_SCALAR_TYPE sigmaX; // sum of x
SAC_SCALAR_TYPE sigmaX2; // sum of x * x
SAC_SCALAR_TYPE min; // minimum of x
SAC_SCALAR_TYPE max; // maximum of x
static inline struct statistical_accumulator *
sac_add(struct statistical_accumulator *sac, SAC_SCALAR_TYPE x) {
// Update the counter, the sum of X, the sum of X squared, and the
// minimum and maximum values.
sac->sigmaX += x;
sac->sigmaX2 += x * x;
if (++sac->n == 1) {
sac->min = x;
sac->max = x;
} else {
if (x < sac->min)
sac->min = x;
if (x > sac->max)
sac->max = x;
return sac;
static inline struct statistical_accumulator *
sac_clear(struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
sac->n = 0;
sac->sigmaX = 0;
sac->sigmaX2 = 0;
sac->min = SAC_NAN;
sac->max = SAC_NAN;
return sac;
static inline SAC_SIZE_TYPE
sac_count(const struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
return sac->n;
static inline SAC_SCALAR_TYPE
sac_average(const struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
const SAC_SIZE_TYPE n = sac->n;
if (n == 0)
return SAC_NAN;
return sac->sigmaX / n;
static inline SAC_SCALAR_TYPE
sac_st_dev(const struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
const SAC_SIZE_TYPE n = sac->n;
if (n < 2)
return SAC_NAN;
const SAC_SCALAR_TYPE sigmaX = sac->sigmaX;
return SAC_SQRT((sac->n * sac->sigmaX2 - sigmaX * sigmaX) / (n * (n - 1)));
static inline SAC_SCALAR_TYPE
sac_st_dev_p(const struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
const SAC_SIZE_TYPE n = sac->n;
if (n < 1)
return SAC_NAN;
const SAC_SCALAR_TYPE sigmaX = sac->sigmaX;
return SAC_SQRT((n * sac->sigmaX2 - sigmaX * sigmaX) / (n * n));
static inline SAC_SCALAR_TYPE
sac_var(const struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
const SAC_SIZE_TYPE n = sac->n;
if (n < 1)
return SAC_NAN;
const SAC_SCALAR_TYPE sigmaX = sac->sigmaX;
return (n * sac->sigmaX2 - sigmaX * sigmaX) / (n * n);
static inline SAC_SCALAR_TYPE
sac_min(const struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
if (sac->n == 0)
return SAC_NAN;
return sac->min;
static inline SAC_SCALAR_TYPE
sac_max(const struct statistical_accumulator *sac) {
if (sac->n == 0)
return SAC_NAN;
return sac->max;
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