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Created September 24, 2018 02:21
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Enigma Machine
NOTE: Code is run in
from copy import deepcopy
ORDER = order to wheels
OFFSET = offset of each wheel
WHEEL_SIZE = number of bits on each wheel
ORDER = [8, 7, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 1, 0, 9]
OFFSET = [44, 52, 35, 14, 19, 55, 6, 4, 3, 51]
WHEEL_SIZE = [47,53,59,61,64,65,67,69,71,73]
def getFile(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
line = f.readlines()
return [l.replace('\n','') for l in line]
rotorsBits = getFile("./part_1/rotors.txt")
cipherText = getFile("./part_1/ciphertext.txt")
plainText = getFile("./part_1/plaintext.txt")
Converts sturgeon alphabet into binary
def tobits(c):
alphabestPos = STURGEON_ALPHABET.index(c)
bits = '{0:05b}'.format(alphabestPos)
results.extend([int(b) for b in bits])
return results
Converts binary into sturgeon alphabet
@return String: return a letter from the STURGEON_ALPHABET
def frombits(bits):
# print(bits)
if 2 in bits or 3 in bits:
# print(bits)
return "-"
# print("K", bits)
alphabetPos = 16*bits[0] + 8*bits[1] + 4*bits[2] + 2*bits[3] + bits[4]
return STURGEON_ALPHABET[alphabetPos]
Gets Rotor bits
@returns [] of length 10, with current rotor bit
def getRotorsBits(order, offset, rotorsBits):
bits = []
for i in range(len(order)):
rotor = rotorsBits[order[i]]
if int(offset[i]) <= len(rotor):
raise ValueError('offset bigger then rotor length')
return [int(b) for b in bits]
Increments wheel bits by 1
@returns [] of length 10, with new offset
def incrementRotorsBit(order, offset):
newOffset = []
for i, v in enumerate(order):
newBit = (offset[i] + 1) % WHEEL_SIZE[v]
return newOffset
XOR bits with first 5 rotor rotor bits
@return [] length 5
def xorText(textBits, rotorBitsFirst):
return [(textBits[i]) ^ (rotorBitsFirst[i]) for i in range(5)]
Utility function to switch bits
def swapBits(a ,b, xoredTextBits):
temp = xoredTextBits[a]
xoredTextBits[a] = xoredTextBits[b]
xoredTextBits[b] = temp
def switchBits(xoredTextBits, rotorBitsSecond):
if rotorBitsSecond[0] == 1: swapBits(0, 4, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[1] == 1: swapBits(0, 1, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[2] == 1: swapBits(1, 2, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[3] == 1: swapBits(2, 3, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[4] == 1: swapBits(3, 4, xoredTextBits)
return xoredTextBits
# Encrypt each line
def encrypt(plainText, order, offset, rotorsBits=rotorsBits):
encryptedBit = []
for p in plainText:
# 1. Convert text to bits based on STURGEON_ALPHABET
textBits = tobits(p)
# 2. Get the 10 rotor bits based on order of wheel and offset
rotorBits = getRotorsBits(order, offset, rotorsBits)
# 3. XOR bits with the first 5 bits in the rotor
xoredTextBits = xorText(textBits, rotorBits[:5])
# 4. Switch bits based on the last 5 bits of the rotor
encryptedBit.append(frombits(switchBits(xoredTextBits, rotorBits[5:])))
# 5. increment rotors by 1 bit rotiation
offset = incrementRotorsBit(order, offset)
encryptedText = ''.join(encryptedBit)
return encryptedText, offset
# def decrementRotorsBit(order, offset):
# newOffset = []
# for i, v in enumerate(order):
# newBit = (offset[i] - 1) % WHEEL_SIZE[v]
# newOffset.append(newBit)
# return newOffset
Switch bits in reverse order from the instructions
@return [] length 5
def switchBitsReverse(xoredTextBits, rotorBitsSecond):
if rotorBitsSecond[4] == 1: swapBits(3, 4, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[3] == 1: swapBits(2, 3, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[2] == 1: swapBits(1, 2, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[1] == 1: swapBits(0, 1, xoredTextBits)
if rotorBitsSecond[0] == 1: swapBits(0, 4, xoredTextBits)
return xoredTextBits
Decryption for each line of cipher text
def decrypt(cipherText, order, offset, rotorsBits=rotorsBits):
decryptedBit = []
for p in cipherText:
rotorBits = getRotorsBits(order, offset, rotorsBits)
textBits = tobits(p)
reversedTextBits = switchBitsReverse(textBits, rotorBits[5:])
decryptedBit.append(frombits(xorText(reversedTextBits, rotorBits[:5])))
offset = incrementRotorsBit(order, offset)
# print(offset)
decryptedText = ''.join(decryptedBit)
return decryptedText, offset
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