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Created June 25, 2019 08:35
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A CircuitPython 'multimedia' dial demo
Uses a ItsyBitsy M0 + Rotary Encoder -> HID keyboard out with neopixel ring
import time
import board
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control import ConsumerControl
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control_code import ConsumerControlCode
import neopixel
DOT_COLOR = 0xFF0000 # set to your favorite webhex color
PRESSED_DOT_COLOR = 0x008080 # set to your second-favorite color
LIT_TIMEOUT = 15 # after n seconds, turn off ring
# NeoPixel LED ring on pin D1
# Ring code will auto-adjust if not 16 so change to any value!
ring = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D5, 16, brightness=0.2)
dot_location = 0 # what dot is currently lit
# Encoder button is a digital input with pullup on D9
button = DigitalInOut(board.D9)
button.direction = Direction.INPUT
button.pull = Pull.UP
# Rotary encoder inputs with pullup on D10 & D11
rot_a = DigitalInOut(board.D10)
rot_a.direction = Direction.INPUT
rot_a.pull = Pull.UP
rot_b = DigitalInOut(board.D11)
rot_b.direction = Direction.INPUT
rot_b.pull = Pull.UP
# Used to do HID output, see below
kbd = Keyboard()
# time keeper, so we know when to turn off the LED
timestamp = time.monotonic()
######################### MAIN LOOP ##############################
# the counter counts up and down, it can roll over! 16-bit value
encoder_counter = 0
# direction tells you the last tick which way it went
encoder_direction = 0
# constants to help us track what edge is what
UNKNOWN_POSITION = -1 # initial state so we know if something went wrong
rising_edge = falling_edge = UNKNOWN_POSITION
# get initial/prev state and store at beginning
last_button = button.value
rotary_prev_state = [rot_a.value, rot_b.value]
while True:
# reset encoder and wait for the next turn
encoder_direction = 0
# take a 'snapshot' of the rotary encoder state at this time
rotary_curr_state = [rot_a.value, rot_b.value]
if rotary_curr_state != rotary_prev_state:
if rotary_prev_state == [True, True]:
# we caught the first falling edge!
if not rotary_curr_state[A_POSITION]:
#print("Falling A")
falling_edge = A_POSITION
elif not rotary_curr_state[B_POSITION]:
#print("Falling B")
falling_edge = B_POSITION
# uhh something went deeply wrong, lets start over
if rotary_curr_state == [True, True]:
# Ok we hit the final rising edge
if not rotary_prev_state[B_POSITION]:
rising_edge = B_POSITION
# print("Rising B")
elif not rotary_prev_state[A_POSITION]:
rising_edge = A_POSITION
# print("Rising A")
# uhh something went deeply wrong, lets start over
# check first and last edge
if (rising_edge == A_POSITION) and (falling_edge == B_POSITION):
encoder_counter -= 1
encoder_direction = -1
print("%d dec" % encoder_counter)
elif (rising_edge == B_POSITION) and (falling_edge == A_POSITION):
encoder_counter += 1
encoder_direction = 1
print("%d inc" % encoder_counter)
# (shrug) something didn't work out, oh well!
encoder_direction = 0
# reset our edge tracking
rising_edge = falling_edge = UNKNOWN_POSITION
rotary_prev_state = rotary_curr_state
# Check if rotary encoder went up
if encoder_direction == 1:
ConsumerControl().send(ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_DECREMENT) #Turn Down Volume
# kbd.release_all()
# Check if rotary encoder went down
if encoder_direction == -1:
ConsumerControl().send(ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_INCREMENT) #Turn Up Volume
# kbd.release_all()
# Button was 'just pressed'
if (not button.value) and last_button:
print("Button pressed!") #Keycode for spacebar
ring[dot_location] = PRESSED_DOT_COLOR # show it was pressed on ring
timestamp = time.monotonic() # something happened!
elif button.value and (not last_button):
print("Button Released!")
#, Keycode.SIX)
# kbd.release_all()
ring[dot_location] = DOT_COLOR # show it was released on ring
timestamp = time.monotonic() # something happened!
last_button = button.value
if encoder_direction != 0:
timestamp = time.monotonic() # something happened!
# spin neopixel LED around!
previous_location = dot_location
dot_location += encoder_direction # move dot in the direction
dot_location += len(ring) # in case we moved negative, wrap around
dot_location %= len(ring)
if button.value:
ring[dot_location] = DOT_COLOR # turn on new dot
ring[dot_location] = PRESSED_DOT_COLOR # turn on new dot
ring[previous_location] = 0 # turn off previous dot
if time.monotonic() > timestamp + LIT_TIMEOUT:
ring[dot_location] = 0 # turn off ring light temporarily
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