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Google Web Fundamentals

Originally from

Performance in Loading, according to Google

This document set contains explanations, examples, and recommendations that focus on low-effort, high-return performance wins. The content is progressive, not cumulative; that is, you don't have to use all of the proposed techniques, nor do you have to use them in any particular order. But the more of them you can apply to your web pages, the better those pages will perform.

Text content

Graphical content

Web users are a visual bunch, and we rely on images to support web content. Like text, graphical content is a critical component in conveying information in a web page or app. All kinds of images, from charts and graphs to icons and arrows to mugshots and maps, provide instantaneous data and improve reader comprehension and retention. But, unlike text, images require considerable time and bandwidth to download and render. Graphical content can easily account for 60%-85% of a typical website's total bandwidth (source: it depends on who you ask). HTTPArchive, for example, notes that images account for approximately 50% of the average web site's content.

Http Requests

Everything a web page needs to be a web page -- text, graphics, styles, scripts, everything -- must be downloaded from a server via an HTTP request. It's no stretch to say that the vast majority of a page's total display time is spent in downloading its components, not in actually displaying them. So far, we've talked about reducing the size of those downloads by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, zipping the files, and so on. But there's a more fundamental approach: in addition to just reducing download size, let's also consider reducing download frequency. Reducing the number of components that a page requires proportionally reduces the number of HTTP requests it has to make. This doesn't mean omitting content, it just means structuring it more efficiently.


As we build sites more heavily reliant on JavaScript, we sometimes pay for what we send down in ways that we can’t always easily see. In this article, we’ll cover why a little discipline can help if you’d like your site to load and be interactive quickly on mobile devices. Delivering less JavaScript can mean less time in network transmission, less spent decompressing code and less time parsing and compiling this JavaScript.

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