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Created February 2, 2015 21:59
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Blog Reminder Script for Hubot
# Description:
# Forgetful? Add reminders
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
# hubot remind me in <time> to <action> - Set a reminder in <time> to do an <action> <time> is in the format 1 day, 2 hours, 5 minutes etc. Time segments are optional, as are commas
# Author:
# whitman
class Reminders
constructor: (@robot) ->
@cache = []
@current_timeout = null
@robot.brain.on 'loaded', =>
@cache =
add: (reminder) ->
@cache.push reminder
@cache.sort (a, b) -> a.due - b.due = @cache
removeFirst: ->
reminder = @cache.shift() = @cache
return reminder
queue: ->
clearTimeout @current_timeout if @current_timeout
if @cache.length > 0
now = new Date().getTime()
@removeFirst() until @cache.length is 0 or @cache[0].due > now
if @cache.length > 0
trigger = =>
reminder = @removeFirst()
@robot.reply reminder.msg_envelope, 'you asked me to remind you to ' + reminder.action
# setTimeout uses a 32-bit INT
extendTimeout = (timeout, callback) ->
if timeout > 0x7FFFFFFF
@current_timeout = setTimeout ->
extendTimeout (timeout - 0x7FFFFFFF), callback
@current_timeout = setTimeout callback, timeout
extendTimeout @cache[0].due - now, trigger
class Reminder
constructor: (@msg_envelope, @time, @action) ->
@time.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
periods =
value: 0
regex: "weeks?"
value: 0
regex: "days?"
value: 0
regex: "hours?|hrs?"
value: 0
regex: "minutes?|mins?"
value: 0
regex: "seconds?|secs?"
for period of periods
pattern = new RegExp('^.*?([\\d\\.]+)\\s*(?:(?:' + periods[period].regex + ')).*$', 'i')
matches = pattern.exec(@time)
periods[period].value = parseInt(matches[1]) if matches
@due = new Date().getTime()
@due += ((periods.weeks.value * 604800) + (periods.days.value * 86400) + (periods.hours.value * 3600) + (periods.minutes.value * 60) + periods.seconds.value) * 1000
dueDate: ->
dueDate = new Date @due
module.exports = (robot) ->
reminders = new Reminders robot
robot.respond /remind me in ((?:(?:\d+) (?:weeks?|days?|hours?|hrs?|minutes?|mins?|seconds?|secs?)[ ,]*(?:and)? +)+)to (.*)/i, (msg) ->
time = msg.match[1]
action = msg.match[2]
reminder = new Reminder msg.envelope, time, action
reminders.add reminder
msg.send 'I\'ll remind you to ' + action + ' on ' + reminder.dueDate()
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