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Last active August 23, 2024 12:21
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Unifi AP useful commands

using SSH:

  • log in to AP: $ ssh ubnt@<IP>
  • default username & password: ubnt & ubnt


Command Example Function
info info Displays device information
set-default set-default Factory reset device
set-inform set-inform Set URL of the controller for adoption.
upgrade upgrade https://<firmware-url>.bin Upgrade firmware
fwupdate fwupdate --url https://<firmware-url>.bin Update firmware
reboot reboot Reboot the device
poweroff poweroff Shutdown device
uptime uptime shows device uptime

Network related

The following Unifi SSh Commands can really help you with finding network-related issues with your Unifi Device.

Command Example Function
ifconfig ifconfig Show network interface information
ip address add ip address add dev br0 Set static IP Address
ip route Display current gateway
ip route add default via Set default gateway
ip neigh Show IPv6 neighbors
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf Set DNS Server
ping ping Check network connection to device
arp apr -a Show arp table

Unifi OS

When you connect to your UDM Pro (or another controller that is running Unifi OS), then you will have a couple of other options:

Command Example Function
ubnt-systool ubnt-systool cputemp Show CPU Temp
ubnt-systool cpuload Show CPU load
ubnt-systool portstatus Show port status
ubnt-systool hostname <newname> Set new hostname
ubnt-systool reboot Reboot device
ubnt-systool reset2defaults Factory reset device
ubnt-device-info ubnt-device-info summary Show system information
ubnt-tools ubnt-tools ubnt-discover Show Unifi devices in the network
cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/ Show DHCP Leases
cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifi Show configuration
/etc/init.d/S95unifios restart Restart Unifi OS Web interface

Unifi Log files

There are a lot of log files that you can access to help you debug any Unifi related problem:

Command Example Function
messages cat /var/log/messages Output the error log
tail -f /var/log/messages Monitor log file
various cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/config/settings.yaml Server settings
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/discovery.log Discovery log
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/system.log System log
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi/logs/server.log Server log
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/errors.log Http errors


Command Example Function
Disable LED sed -i 's/mgmt.led_enabled=true/mgmt.led_enabled=false/g' /var/etc/persistent/cfg/mgmt it takes up to ~15 seconds
echo '0' >/proc/gpio/led_pattern immediately, but not persistent
Enable LED (blue or default color) sed -i 's/mgmt.led_enabled=false/mgmt.led_enabled=true/g' /var/etc/persistent/cfg/mgmt it takes up to ~15 seconds
echo '1' >/proc/gpio/led_pattern immediately, but not persistent
white color echo '2' >/proc/gpio/led_pattern
set custom color echo -n 255,0,0 > /proc/ubnt_ledbar/custom_color
blinking white echo '02' >/proc/gpio/led_pattern

ℹ️ Note: official LED statuses:

Getting info:

Device info, uptime:

  • info
example output:
  	Model:       U6-Lite
  	MAC Address: 78:45:xx:xx:xx:xx
  	IP Address:
  	Hostname:    U6-Lite
  	Uptime:      430867 seconds

  	Status:      unknown
  • cat /var/sysinfo/model
  • uname -a
    • example output: Linux U6-Lite 4.4.198 #0 SMP Thu Aug 30 12:10:54 2018 mips GNU/Linux
  • uptime

CPU info:

  • cat /proc/stat | grep '^cpu '
  • cat /proc/cpuinfo
  • cat /proc/ubnthal/
example output:

Memory (RAM) info:

  • free | grep 'Mem:'
  • free


  • df -h

    example output:
       Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
       tmpfs                   123.9M    856.0K    123.1M   1% /tmp
       tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev


  • cat /var/log/messages

Get connected clients (MACs):

  • CLIENTS=`mca-dump |grep \"mac\" | grep -v "<AP MAC>"` && echo "$CLIENTS"

Some configs:

  • cat /var/running.cfg
  • cat /var/system.cfg

Network: IP

  • netstat -rt -n (cisco: show ip route)

Show interfaces:

  • ifconfig (cisco: show interfaces)

Show config:

  • cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifi
  • cat /tmp/system.cfg


  • tcpdump

⚠️ Reset & potentially dangerous commands

Reset device to factory defaults:

  • restore-default or
  • set-default

Enter CLI:

  • mca-cli

Adopt a UniFi device into a controller device:

  • set-inform http://<IP.your.unifi.controller>:8080/inform

Set password:

  • passwd

Reboot, shutdown AP:

  • reboot
  • poweroff
  • /usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart save (not tested)

Manually Upgrade AP:

  • upgrade http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/xxxxx/firmware.bin

Upgrade AP (online):

Show other commands:

  • ubntbox

UniFi Network - Required Ports Reference

The following lists the UDP and TCP ports used by UniFi. This information mainly applies to users with a self-hosted UniFi Network Server, or users with third-party devices and firewalls. For this reason, we generally recommend a full UniFi deployment for seamless deployment and optimal native compatibility.

Local Ingress Ports (Incoming)

Protocol Port Number Usage
TCP/UDP 53 Used for DNS. This is required for Guest Portal redirection, downloading updates, and remote access.
UDP 3478 Used for STUN.
UDP 5514 Used for remote syslog capture.
TCP 8080 Used for device and application communication.
TCP 443 Used for application GUI/API as seen in a web browser. Applications running on a UniFi Console
TCP 8443 Used for application GUI/API as seen in a web browser. Applications running on a Windows/macOS/Linux machine
TCP 8880 Used for HTTP portal redirection.
TCP 8843 Used for HTTPS portal redirection.
TCP 6789 Used for UniFi mobile speed test.
TCP 27117 Used for local-bound database communication.
UDP 5656-5699 Used by AP-EDU broadcasting.
UDP 10001 Used for device discovery.
UDP 1900 Used to "Make application discoverable on L2 network" in the UniFi Network settings.
UDP 123 Used for NTP (date and time). Required for establishing secure communication with remote access servers.

Note: Although TCP 22 is not one of the ports UniFi Network operates on by default, it is worth mentioning that is the port used when UniFi devices or the Network application is accessed via SSH.

Ingress Ports Required for L3 Management Over the Internet (Incoming)

These ports need to be open at the gateway/firewall as well as on the machine running the UniFi Network application. This would be achieved by creating port forwards on the gateway/firewall where the application is running.

Protocol Port Number Usage
UDP 3478 Used for STUN.
TCP 8080 Used for device and application communication.
TCP 443 Used for application GUI/API as seen in a web browser. Applications running on an UniFi Console
TCP 8443 Used for application GUI/API as seen in a web browser. Applications running on Windows/macOS/Linux machines
TCP 6789 Used for UniFi mobile speed test.
TCP 8880 Used for HTTP portal redirection. (only needed if using Guest hotspot)
TCP 8843 Used for HTTPS portal redirection. (only needed if using Guest hotspot)

Egress Ports Required for UniFi Remote Access (Exiting)

In most cases, these ports will be open and unrestricted by default.

Protocol Port Number Usage
TCP/UPD 53 Used for DNS This is required for Guest Portal redirection, downloading updates, and remote access.
UDP 3478 Used for STUN.
TCP/UDP 443 Used for Remote Access service.
TCP 8883 Used for Remote Access service.
UDP 123 Used for NTP (date and time). Required for establishing secure communication with remote access servers.

Changing Default Ports

Changing default port assignments can only be done on self-hosted UniFi Network Servers (Windows/macOS/Linux). This can be accomplished as follows:

  • Close any instances of the UniFi Network application.
  • Modify the file, which can be found in the directory <unifi_base>/data/ For example, if port 8081 was in use and port 8089 was open, you could change it by modifying unifi.shutdown.port=8081 to unifi.shutdown.port=8089
  • Restart the UniFi Network application.

Note: Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces, comments, or other characters (i.e., #) on any custom lines. Otherwise, UniFi Network will ignore the customizations.


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