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Display tweets in WordPress using Twitter API v1.1 - With authentication and a fallback when Twitter is down. Full explanation here:
/* REQUIRES: TwitterOAuth
* Download and place in a /twitteroauth/ folder in your theme/plugin.
* Full guide here:
* Uses:
* Twitter API call:
* WP transient API.
$numTweets = 3; // Number of tweets to display.
$name = 'problogdesign'; // Username to display tweets from.
$excludeReplies = true; // Leave out @replies
$transName = 'list-tweets'; // Name of value in database.
$cacheTime = 5; // Time in minutes between updates.
$backupName = $transName . '-backup';
// Do we already have saved tweet data? If not, lets get it.
if(false === ($tweets = get_transient($transName) ) ) :
// Get the tweets from Twitter.
include 'twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php';
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Consumer key
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Consumer secret
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Access token
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // Access token secret
// If excluding replies, we need to fetch more than requested as the
// total is fetched first, and then replies removed.
$totalToFetch = ($excludeReplies) ? max(50, $numTweets * 3) : $numTweets;
$fetchedTweets = $connection->get(
'screen_name' => $name,
'count' => $totalToFetch,
'exclude_replies' => $excludeReplies
// Did the fetch fail?
if($connection->http_code != 200) :
$tweets = get_option($backupName); // False if there has never been data saved.
else :
// Fetch succeeded.
// Now update the array to store just what we need.
// (Done here instead of PHP doing this for every page load)
$limitToDisplay = min($numTweets, count($fetchedTweets));
for($i = 0; $i < $limitToDisplay; $i++) :
$tweet = $fetchedTweets[$i];
// Core info.
$name = $tweet->user->name;
$permalink = ''. $name .'/status/'. $tweet->id_str;
/* Alternative image sizes method: */
$image = $tweet->user->profile_image_url;
// Message. Convert links to real links.
$pattern = '/http:(\S)+/';
$replace = '<a href="${0}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">${0}</a>';
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $tweet->text);
// Need to get time in Unix format.
$time = $tweet->created_at;
$time = date_parse($time);
$uTime = mktime($time['hour'], $time['minute'], $time['second'], $time['month'], $time['day'], $time['year']);
// Now make the new array.
$tweets[] = array(
'text' => $text,
'name' => $name,
'permalink' => $permalink,
'image' => $image,
'time' => $uTime
// Save our new transient, and update the backup.
set_transient($transName, $tweets, 60 * $cacheTime);
update_option($backupName, $tweets);
// Now display the tweets.
<ul id="tweets">
<?php foreach($tweets as $t) : ?>
<?php echo $t['text']; ?>
<span class="tweet-time"><?php echo human_time_diff($t['time'], current_time('timestamp')); ?> ago</span>
<?php endforeach; ?>
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