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Last active January 20, 2021 18:32
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Django + MongoDB DataTables (Jquery datatables v1.9 used)
from collections import namedtuple
import pymongo
(Jquery datatables v1.9&below - pymongo v3.11.0 - python v3.8 - mongodb v4.0.6 - django v2.2)
"sAjaxSource": "/route_name" // USE AJAX_SOURCE TO SWITCH TO V1.9 AUTOMATICALLY, even if you are using latest version!
# translation for sorting between datatables api and mongodb
order_dict = {'asc': 1, 'desc': -1}
client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = client[' DATABASE NAME ']
class DataTables(object):
def __init__(self, request, columns, index, collection):
self.columns = columns
self.index = index
# self.db = get_db(request)
self.collection = collection
# values specified by the datatable for filtering, sorting, paging
self.request_values = request.GET
self.db = db
# results from the db
self.result_data = None
# total in the table after filtering
self.cardinality_filtered = 0
# total in the table unfiltered
self.cardinality = 0
def output_result(self):
output = {}
output['sEcho'] = str(int(self.request_values['sEcho']))
output['iTotalRecords'] = str(self.cardinality)
output['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = str(self.cardinality_filtered)
aaData_rows = []
#print "sEcho", output['sEcho']
for row in self.result_data:
# print('row : ', row)
aaData_row = []
for i in range(len(self.columns)):
#print aData_row
#add additional rows here that are not represented in the database
# aaData_row.append(('''<input id='%s' type='checkbox'></input>''' % (str(row[ self.index ]))).replace('\\', ''))
output['aaData'] = aaData_rows
# print("output: ", output)
return output
def run_queries(self):
#call db
db = self.db
# pages has 'start' and 'length' attributes
pages = self.paging()
# the term you entered into the datatable search
filters = self.filtering()
# the document field you chose to sort
sorting = self.sorting()
# get result from db
self.result_data = db[self.collection].find(filters,
self.result_data = list(self.result_data)
# print("result_data ", len(list(self.result_data)))
total_count = len(list(db[self.collection].find(filters)))
self.cardinality_filtered = total_count
self.cardinality = len(list(db[self.collection].find()))
# print("cardinality", self.cardinality)
def filtering(self):
# build your filter spec
filters = {}
if ('sSearch' in self.request_values.keys()) and (self.request_values['sSearch'] != ""):
# the term put into search is logically concatenated with 'or' between all columns
or_filter_on_all_columns = []
for i in range(len(self.columns)):
column_filter = {}
column_filter[self.columns[i]] = {'$regex': self.request_values['sSearch'], '$options': 'i'}
filters['$or'] = or_filter_on_all_columns
return filters
def sorting(self):
order = []
# mongo translation for sorting order
if (self.request_values['iSortCol_0'] != "") and (int(self.request_values['iSortingCols']) > 0):
order = []
for i in range(int(self.request_values['iSortingCols'])):
(self.columns[int(self.request_values['iSortCol_' + str(i)])], order_dict[self.request_values['sSortDir_' + str(i)]])
return order
def paging(self):
pages = namedtuple('pages', ['start', 'length'])
if (self.request_values['iDisplayStart'] != "") and (self.request_values['iDisplayLength'] != -1):
pages.start = int(self.request_values['iDisplayStart'])
pages.length = int(self.request_values['iDisplayLength'])
return pages
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bjQueryUI": true,
"sAjaxSource": "/route_name" // USE AJAXSOURCE TO SWITCH TO V1.9 AUTOMATICALLY, even if you are using latest version!
from .datatables import DataTables
def func_name(request):
# request method is GET
columns = ['name', 'user_id']
index_column = "_id"
collection = "collection_name"
results = DataTables(request, columns, index_column, collection).output_result()
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results), content_type="application/json")
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