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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Reload Jenkins Login Page Bookmarklet
Dustin Masterson aka @roosto
If you have been logged out of jenkins and you open your browser and your
browser reopens a slew of tabs from your jenkins instance, each page will
redirect you to a login page.
Annoyingly even after you login on one of these login pages, reloading
another page will still load the login page, instead of the page that you
would be redirected if you had logged in via that page.
This bookmarklet pulls out the URI to redirect you to and then redirects you
there without you needing to log back in from that page.
e.g, if you are actually logged in and on the page:
reloading will only reload that page, even though you probably want to get to:
This bookmarklet does exactly that.
You will need to fill in `jenkinsHost` and `jenkinsRootURI` with values for
your server.
`jenkinsHost`: should be set to your server name, complete with protocol
and port number, if you are using a non-standard port
`jenkinsRootURI: set to '/jenkins/' or '/' if you do not have the jenkins
root set to a specific directory
You may find John Gruber’s excellent JavaScript Bookmarklet Builder helpful
for wrangling this, or any other javascript bookmarklets:
Gruber’s Perl source is available as a Gist:
// ↓ Thar be the the bookmarklet, if your jenkins is at
// javascript:var%20jenkinsHost%20=%20%27;var%20jenkinsRootURI%20=%20%27/jenkins/%27;var%20pageURL%20=%20location.href;var%20matches%20=%20/login(\?[^&]*from=([^&#]*))?/.exec(pageURL);if%20(%20matches%20===%20null%20||%20pageURL.indexOf(jenkinsHost%20+%20jenkinsRootURI)%20==%20-1%20)%20{alert(%27Does%20not%20seem%20to%20be%20a%20Jenkins%20login%20page%27);}else%20{var%20targetURI;if%20(%20!%20matches[2]%20)%20{targetURI%20=%20jenkinsRootURI;}else%20{targetURI%20=%20decodeURIComponent(matches[2]);}location.assign(jenkinsHost%20+%20targetURI);}
var jenkinsHost = '';
var jenkinsRootURI = '/jenkins/';
var pageURL = location.href;
var matches = /login(\?[^&]*from=([^&#]*))?/.exec(pageURL);
if ( matches === null || pageURL.indexOf(jenkinsHost + jenkinsRootURI) == -1 ) {
alert('Does not seem to be a Jenkins login page');
else {
var targetURI;
if ( ! matches[2] ) {
targetURI = jenkinsRootURI;
else {
targetURI = decodeURIComponent(matches[2]);
//decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")
location.assign(jenkinsHost + targetURI);
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