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Last active January 17, 2016 01:13
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Mura Code Snippets
Content Image
<img src="#$.content().getImageURL(size='large')#" />
Extended Attribute Image
<!--- First, create an extended attribute with the type of 'File' --->
<img src="#$.createHREFForImage(filename=$.content('myExtAttribute'))#" />
<!--- First, Create a feed in your Admin > Content Collections --->
<cfset feed=$.getBean("feed").loadBy(name="Feed Name",siteID=$.event("siteid"))>
<cfset iterator=feed.getIterator()>
<cfif iterator.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="iterator.hasNext()">
<p>looped content here</p>
Theme Asset Path
Display Regions
#$.dspObjects(1)# - Left Sidebar
#$.dspObjects(2)# - Main Content
#$.dspObjects(3)# - Right Sidebar
, pageTitle=$.content('title') <!--- Change to '' to exclude the page title --->
, crumbList=false
, showMetaImage=true
, metaImageClass='thumbnail'
Page Attributes
<!--- Page Title --->
<!--- Page Navigation Title --->
<!--- Page Author/Credits --->
<!--- Dump All Page Values --->
<cfdump var="#$.content().getAllValues()#">
Create Dynamic CSS Hook
#$.createCSSHook($.content('menuTitle'))# <!--- Replace with any dynamic value you want --->
Primary Navigation
, id='navPrimary'
, class='nav navbar-nav'
, displayHome='always'
, closeFolders=true
, showCurrentChildrenOnly=false
, ulTopClass='nav navbar-nav'
, ulNestedClass='dropdown-menu'
, liHasKidsClass='dropdown'
, liHasKidsAttributes=''
, liHasKidsNestedClass='dropdown-submenu'
, liNestedClass=''
, aHasKidsClass='dropdown-toggle'
, aHasKidsAttributes='role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="##"'
, liCurrentClass=''
, aCurrentClass=''
, siteid=$.event('siteid')
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