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<!--- Drop this into your site eventhandler.cfc --->
<cffunction name="onAfterFormSubmitSave" output="true">
<cfif $.event('formid') EQ '{ID of the Mura form}'>
<!--- Get the form result --->
<cfset formBean = $.event().getValue('formresult')>
<!--- Get a new content bean --->
<cfset cBean = application.contentManager.getBean()>
<!--- Set the new node attributes --->
<cfset cBean.setSiteID($.event('siteid'))>
<cfset cBean.setType('Page')>
<cfset cBean.setSubType('mySubtype')>
<cfset cBean.setTitle(formBean.TITLE)>
<!--- Set any extended attributes --->
<cfset cBean.setExtAttribute1(formBean.VALUE1)>
<cfset cBean.setExtAttribute2(formBean.VALUE2)>
<!--- if your form has a file in it, set it as the associated image --->
<cfset cBean.setFileID(formBean.FILE_ATTACHMENT)>
<!--- Set the content ID of where you want this new node to live under --->
<cfset cBean.setParentID('{content ID}')>
<!--- Set whether it's displayed, approved, nav, etc --->
<cfset cBean.setApproved(1)>
<cfset cBean.setDisplay(1)>
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MvdO79 commented Jan 27, 2018

Is this code still usable in Mura 7? If not, could someone ad a Mura 7 code example?

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MvdO79 commented Jan 27, 2018

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