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Created January 25, 2023 12:01
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Example of getting viewport under mouse, and from there hit position and which component was closest to the hit
Command to print the component under the mouse using lx api in Foundry Modo
To try it out, map the command to a hotkey and execute while mouse is over corresponding component.
py.mouse.component type:{vert|edge|poly}
You will likely want to use the already existing method
lx.eval("query view3dservice element.over ? poly")
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Tuple # to help with type hints,
from math import isclose
import lx
import lxu
import lxu.vector # these two are not needed, but only to help my IDE find modules
import lxu.command
from modo.mathutils import Vector3
def distance_to_line(point: Tuple[float, float, float], a: Tuple[float, float, float], b: Tuple[float, float, float]) -> float:
""" Get the distance between a point and an edge """
a = Vector3(*a)
n = Vector3(*b) - a
p = Vector3(*point)
return ((p - a) - ((p - a) * n) * n).length()
class Command(lxu.command.BasicCommand):
def __init__(self):
super(Command, self).__init__()
self.dyna_Add("type", lx.symbol.sTYPE_INTEGER)
self.dyna_SetHint(0, ((lx.symbol.iSEL_VERTEX, "vert"), (lx.symbol.iSEL_EDGE, "edge"), (lx.symbol.iSEL_POLYGON, "poly")))
self.dyna_Add("tolerance", lx.symbol.sTYPE_FLOAT)
self.dyna_SetFlags(1, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_OPTIONAL)
def cmd_DialogInit(self):
if not self.dyna_IsSet(0):
self.attr_SetInt(0, lx.symbol.iSEL_POLYGON)
if not self.dyna_IsSet(1):
self.attr_SetFlt(1, 0.01)
def basic_Execute(self, msg, flags):
tolerance = self.dyna_Float(1, 0.01)
view_service = lx.service.View3Dport()
view_index, x, y = view_service.Mouse() # get the 3d view, and mouse position in that view
if view_index < 0:
return # there is no 3d view under the mouse
view = lx.object.View3D(view_service.View(view_index))
# get hit 3d position for mouse, raises lookup error if not hitting anything.
hit, _ = view.To3DHit(x, y)
except LookupError:
value_service = lx.service.Value()
# go through each active layer and check for closest polygon to our hit location
layer_service = lx.service.Layer()
layer_scan = layer_service.ScanAllocate(lx.symbol.f_LAYERSCAN_ALL)
for layer_index in range(layer_scan.Count()):
mesh = layer_scan.MeshBase(layer_index)
poly = lx.object.Polygon(mesh.PolygonAccessor())
point = lx.object.Point(mesh.PointAccessor())
# get the local space coordinates for the hit
xfrm = layer_scan.MeshTransform(layer_index)
matrix = lx.object.Matrix(value_service.CreateValue(lx.symbol.sTYPE_MATRIX4))
local_hit = matrix.MultiplyVector(hit)
# check if any polygons are close to the hit, Modo will select the polygon if we did hit
did_hit, hit_position, hit_normal, hit_distance = poly.Closest(0.001, local_hit)
# If we did hit this layer polygon, branch on component and print it's index
if did_hit:
if self.dyna_Int(0) == lx.symbol.iSEL_POLYGON:
print(f"Hit polygon: {poly.Index()}")
elif self.dyna_Int(0) == lx.symbol.iSEL_EDGE:
# get all point indices for the hit polygon
points = []
for poly_vert_index in range(poly.VertexCount()):
# edges are made out of two end points
edges = [(a, b) for a, b in zip(points, points[1:] + [points[0]])]
# for each edge, check distance to hit and if within tolerance print the end point indices
for (a, b) in edges:
a_pos = point.Pos()
b_pos = point.Pos()
distance = distance_to_line(local_hit, a_pos, b_pos)
if isclose(distance, 0.0, abs_tol=tolerance):
print(f"Hit edge: {a}, {b}")
elif self.dyna_Int(0) == lx.symbol.iSEL_VERTEX:
# for each polygon vertex check the distance to hit is within tolerance and print the index
for poly_vert_index in range(poly.VertexCount()):
position = point.Pos()
distance = lxu.vector.length(lxu.vector.sub(local_hit, position))
if isclose(distance, 0.0, abs_tol=tolerance):
print(f"Hit vertex: {point.Index()}")
del layer_scan # explicitly delete the layer object, have had issues running the same command twice otherwise
lx.bless(Command, "py.mouse.component")
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